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Alternative Start


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There's already a few mods about this, but most of them just allow you to skip the tutorial. I did found one unique alternative start mod, but I think it's not good enough.


I want a great alternative start. Maybe we'll start outside Cyrodiil. Maybe we'll start on Kvatch, helping breaking the siege then eventually play the main quest. Maybe we'll get to make choices, or something better ?

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I think of the mods you described as skip tutorial mods, not alternate start mods.


Start Choices - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23757 <-- If you want to start in Kvatch, this one seems to be the way to go. I plan on checking this out this summer too.

Alternative Start - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3016

Alternative Start Arrive by Ship - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11495

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I was working on one, instead of starting in starting in prison you are shot down from the sky in a beam into the water, you create your character like you would but as you start your under water, there is no way to get to the top before losing all your health a script effect teleports you to a camp on the on the side of the water in which you find Tooth-In-The-Sea looking down at you (this moment you have the 0 fatigue effect so your laid down) you get back up then Tooth-In-The-Sea tells you he saw you losing your breath so he dragged you out of the water, he tells you you hit the water with quite some impact (you do not remeber who you are)


He then returns to his normal AI (Back under the water)


As you enter the Imperial city there is a new Black Horse Courier edition no other than the beam in the sky :)


From that stage on a new quest arises, you find out more about yourself with a nice RP effect you start to realise your more than just the Hero of Kvatch or Saviour of Cyrodill.



Just an alternative start I thought of.

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There should be one that starts with you trying to steal an elder scroll and getting caught, then it goes to the tutorial where you're in prison. Just to give some background of how you got there.
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