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DLC 04 - Wooden doors with no sound?

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In the DLC 4 (Point lookout,) I've noticed that the wooden doors (for example DLC04MDoorBig01 & DLC04MDoorSmL01,) don't make a sound when they are opened or closed. I've checked and they have valid sound files selected and when I try the sound files they work (Atleast in GECK,) but the doors won't use the sound files, any idea what the problem might be?


I have tried the following:


Listen to the actual sound file in the sound list inside GECK. The sounds work with no fuss.


I've reselected the sound files to one of the doors, but in preview it still wont make a sound.


In game I've never been able to hear the sound from these doors.

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does this happen when you run a clean game? (No non-DLC mods)


This only occurs to Point lookout doors that are similar to the ones I gave as an example.

let's try rephrasing the question


are you using any other mods????????????


does it happen when all other mods are deactivated?

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