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How to randomly choose Quest branches?


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So I'm working on a mod that will have a primary objective/story, but since I can't decide on one path (i.e. plot twist or not, etc.) , I want to let the game randomly choose a branch from a list of possibilities.


For example, upon first entering the main cell, you:

A. Are met by the main character

B. Have an "Avanchnzel experience" where ghosts act out parts of the story

C. Have a "Dreamstride" experience where you are not you, but a figure from the story.

and so on.


If you get Option A, the main character:

1. Goes hostile.

2. Offers you a chance to converse (which also has the potential to result in open hostilities or to assist, based on dialog choices)

and so on.


In the event of Option B:

1. The ghosts do their thing and you follow along, similar to Avanchnzel.

2. some other option


In the event of Option C, you are cast as:

1. One of the main characters (several to choose from)

2. A support character that follows a main character

3. some other option


Additionally, the story may or may not lead into other certain cells, depending on the branch you are currently following.


I don't want the selections based on strict Conditions (i.e. has this item or has does not have some item, etc.), but rather a "dice-roll", so that each playthrough will have the potential to be different, which would also affect the end-result to a degree.


Can this be done without SKSE? Or even with it?


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