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I think you meant to post this:


This challenge of shorts SHOULD, hopefully, spark your curiosity.


Okay, first, you might want to check this thread as a reference point to see where I'm coming from (but you can ignore it until you've finished reading this if you like): http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1092300-exterior-houses-suggestions-where-you-can-see-cyrodiil-through-the-windowsdoorways/


Right. I have tested something important. In Oblivion, it seems that rain penetrates THROUGH objects, i.e. exterior house mods. If you don't have access to those, you can actually go under any stable or tent in Oblivion and see water coming through the ceiling! Which ruins the experience.


HOWEVER... there HAS TO be a way around this because if you go to any river or lake in Oblivion, you will find that there IS a script that STOPS rain going through water! Try this:


1) Wait until it rains, I sometimes wait for 12 hours several times over until finally there is rainfall. Sometimes spawning to a place where rain is scripted can help, but be sure to be near water.

2) Go to a lake, i.e. the ICWaterfront1 is a perfect spot.

3) Observe how the water splashes against the water surface (and think: now THIS could be used as a roof! Surely, it can!)

4) Jump into the water and look directly above: you will see the water no longer hits you as it did under the stables, but now actually bounces against the surface!


I am CERTAIN there MUST be a script that tells the weather (In this case rainfall) that there ARE objects in the game (water surfaces) that effectively STOP splashes of water hitting the player!


If this could be applied to roofs of stables, tents (plus house exterior mods), then gameplay will be much more realistic!


I am actually annoyed I am still new to modding, because I want to finally get this issue answered once and for all. I have some theory (and a bit of practice) with this experiment, but I need experienced modders to either point me in the right direction or to see if they can apply what I have found to an already existing exterior mod. Or a tent. Or something!


Please give feedback, as this is an issue that seemingly NO ONE has managed to conclusively solve! And, after 4 years of this game being out, it's high time it was!


I really LOVE house exterior mods like Vince's Mountain Shack, and he has done very well in scripting the place to avoid rainfall so it doesn't come anywhere near the area surrounding his property, let alone through the roof. But, my point is HE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO! Going to such lengths to avoid rainfall completely actually spoils the sense of cosyness you would normally get in a wood shack. He (and other mooders) should be able to use the same sort of scripts that apply to water surfaces onto their roofs! Vinces mod in particular is fantastic and I believe this could be the solution into making it even better. Probably the best mod ever quite frankly, if only THIS SINGLE issue could be resolved!



Seriously, modder experts are needed on this (Vince, please consider this possible solution), as I can't believe it hasn't been figured out yet.

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I don't think it's possible to utilize water in such a way. The way the engine works is: If the camera is not underwater, and it is raining, then it toggles on the rain effect (A cylinder with animated rainfall) around the player. If the camera is underwater, if turns it off. You can see how this works by jumping into water then holding the camera at the right angle on the surface to see underneath the water without the murky effect. There's still the rain cylinder underwater in that case.


In order for that tactic to work, you'd have to apply subspaces to everything that would make it count as being underwater. And that would just turn off the rain, anyways. You wouldn't be able to see rain outside because being underwater turns off the rainfall effect completely.


You could try adding even more scripting to create a special underwater plane that turns off the swimming and murk effect of water, then adds an enlargened rain cylinder around the exterior of the subspace.. But that'd contribute to massive amounts of lag, placing a special type of water everywhere with its own rain cylinder.

Edited by ub3rman123
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