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Need help with texture editing.


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I want to make a texture that have transparency in some areas.

i have tried and tried but no luck so im asking here.


im trying to make a decal like the blood decals in skyrim without any luck

theres always a background color or the whole texture is a big square, no transparency at all.


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Transparency is determined by the alpha layer of the diffuse texture. You need photoshop or gimp, open the file and on the alpha layer paint the transparent areas black #000000, or shades of gray for different levels of transparency.

Also, in nifskope it has to have a NiAlpha property node added.


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DizzasterJuice is correct, but I would also like to add that it's pretty much always best to copy a node from an existing .nif rather than creating a fresh one (for many reasons, such as Nifskope not giving the NiAlphaPropperty the correct flag by default). Just make sure that the base node's (0 NiNode) of the two .nif's you're trying to copy from and to have the same name, or Nifskope won't let you copy them (no clue why). The generic name is usually "Scene Root"!

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