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Fish Hatchery (from Hearthfire DLC) player home mod request


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Greetings all!! This is a simple mod request for an already made Fish Hatchery player home. It would be ideal if you could make two or three hatcheries for different kinds of fish or maybe just one big one. Cause I want to use it for alchemy potions as finding those fish takes a while. So yeah that would be really cool. I'm not too fussed about the player home. It could be a simple tent with an alchemy lab. But anything would be great really. Just the usual safe storage, a bed, maybe an oven from Hearthfire (not necessary though) and the crafting stuff (smithing/alchemy/enchanting, etc). The main thing I am after is the Fish Hatchery cause it takes forever to do that quest and get Winstead Manor, not to mention finding all the ingredients. So yeah if someone would be awesome enough to make this for me I would be really appreciate it and give you tons of Internet cookies or something, lol.


Many thanks in advance and fingers crossed!! :smile:


P.S. If someone could also add a large garden from Hearthfire that would be equally awesome but I am already using a garden player home so I wouldn't mind just the fish hatchery with a map marker for fast travel and all. Thanks guys!

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