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Customizing male characters


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Well I've been around the Nexus for a long time and I've seen a lot of mods, but most of them are for females only (for example there are about 4 popular female body mods and only 1 (?) male body mod).


Despite the fact, that the community is much more interested in female characters and customizations them (there are loads of hair, eye and textures mods for females). I have to admit though, that I have been playing only with female characters, but now I'd like to make a male character.


Anyway I ran into robert's male body mod v5, which is kinda nice, in combination with bulky nords I just get the shape I want to.

But there are barely any mods for hair, eye and body textures for males. It also lacks on male body mods (I guess?).


I would like to get recommendations for those customizing mods. As I already said I'm using robert's male body mod v5 in combination with bulky nords, so he is going to be a very bulky (obvious, huh? :happy: ) character.


So actually I'm just looking for some nice looking male armor, clothing, hair, eye and body textures.

I hope that you can help me out in someway, any help appreciated.





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For eyes, eye textures don't care about what sex/gender the actor is. Grab any eye addon you want. But beware, if you try to match wrong eye meshes and wrong textures(like applying vanilla eye textures on Ren's eye meshes), you will see 'googly' eyes.
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