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Random, erratic crashes?

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I really dislike that mod. I vouch for doing all that you can to prevent crashes before putting that extension on your setup. Plenty of users run crash free game without it, and I do not see it as necessary. It made my setup more unstable, but that is not the case for everyone...



The crash's that weOCPS fixed for me where crashes from ingame reload. this happened on clean set up (no mod's).

I had read that this was a known bug. and I don't get that crash any more. instead weOCPS gives two blips so I know its worked.

so I guess its because I do not have any other mods that conflicted with it.

Oblivion Mod Manager has shown me how many conflicts I had. I just bit the bullet and chose the mods I wanted the most and removed any thing that conlicted with them. thats made a noticeable difference



WeOCPs is only an OBSE plugin. In-game reloading is not really safe anyway. I did not experience crashes with the vanilla game. That should be a driver or non-Oblivion system issue. Also, OBMM's conflict detection is awful...

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I have a 1GB GeForce 240 video card, and Im thinking about getting some form of Qarl's texture pack to make stuff look more awesome. But Im a bit concerned about impact on performance and stability since Im already running a pretty intensive set of mods and installing several GB of big texture files might push my system over the edge. Any advice on whether this would be a good idea?
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The 240 is not a strong card, but you should be able to run QTP3 Redimized with the optimized mesh patch. As long as you stay away from REAVWD, you should have acceptable FPS. Some people are happy playing the game in the 10-15FPS range, so I certainly cannot make up your mind for you, haha.


http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/installmods/aestheticoverhaulinstallorder <-- links to everything QTP3 you'd need here

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I'm wondering, will this increase the occurrence of the RAM-capping crash due to all of the new, bigger textures being loaded when I run Oblivion? Also, does everything have to be installed in the order listed? It says to install QTP first, but unfortunately I have other aesthetic mods installed.


Eh...I installed Python 2.6.5 to use with PyFFI (probably try optimizing some stuff). Now I have 2 versions of Python on my computer (2.5.2 from Wrye Python package). Should I just leave both of them there?


Ok...Im pretty sure QTP will pwn my fps in imperial city, as its already mediocre right now.

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