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Headshots = Death


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Is there a mod, or is there something in GECK i can do with a gun so that it's not over powered, but will ALWAYS kill with a headshot? I'm annoyed with the fact that a .308 round to the head doesn't always kill my target...and even more annoyed that i can unload a .32 into someones face and not kill them. In reality even a single shot from a .32 to the head should kill someone. The only area that this might not be true is with helmets...since in the real world a military kevlar helmet has been known to save people from head shots, but not from high caliber rounds.


So....what can i do to make this happen? If i raise the critical up to 100% would that do it? I'd like it to where i could use a sniper rifle to head shot anything in the game, but if i hit a limb or torso it would take several shots. I'm not trying to make a one-shot-kill cheat weapon...but i do think head shots should be one shot one kill.

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Yes, I agree (on some level). The fact that Raiders can take several shots to the head, but take one "Hidden" shot to the arm and die is very unrealistic. When I meet a Super-Mutant in a narrow doorway and VATS him 3 times in the faces and he still stands... I mean, come on! I know Super-Mutans are...well, super, but the head is still where the brain is and once the brain is damaged, hurt or even CRIPPLED!! there isn't much to do.


I would also like a mod where headshots deliver much more damage. I think there actually is a mod called "realistic gun shoot-outs" or something like that, but I am not sure if it will conflict with FWE.

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I don't know what's up but with my current character, VATS seems to be MORE powerful than normal shooting. Headshots seem to kill more often outside of VATS, but if i shoot someone with an assault rifle outside of VATS i seem to unload half a clip, whereas if i use the same gun in VATS i usually kill them within 3 attacks which equals out to like 12 bullets or something vs. 30-40 outside VATS, and i know it's not because i'm missing because most of the guns i use have little or no spread.


The problem is that if i raise the critical %, a shot in the arm is going to kill them since it's a critical hit. I don't know what to do to make the head shot lethal without compromising the rest of the shots to the body. All i know to do is just jack up the damage high enough that it's a guaranteed kill if you hit them in the head, but then it also applies to hitting them in the foot or whatever. Plus the other drawback to jacking up the damage (aside from being way unbalanced) is it really throws off the game physics and shoots them flying around (although i am using Realistic Death Physics which pretty much prevents that).


I'm betting the solution to this could be found in a special script on a gun, where if you hit their head it just console kills them or something, but i don't know enough to make something like that.

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One of the first annoyances I encountered in this game was dogs that survived several shots to the head from a 10mm. Truly a wtf moment.
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I C what you meen but just to speak my mind.

1. yes i would kill a normal human but the supers mutants have a thick natural skin armor making them rad proof but it also works like a armor but i think after 2-3 shots any armor should render useless and kill


2. i will look and C if i can find a mod like


3. most rad creatures mite have harden skin but as for ones unchanged not so much

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I guess i can agree to that. It would have to depend on the gun being fired then. If a .50cal sniper rifle can pierce tank armor, then it should blow the head off anything in the game that has a "head" except for maybe a behemoth. The other problem with a mod like this is you would have to incorporate some kind of realistic bullet physics like bullet drop and recoil and other things that would effect accuracy to prevent it from becoming a point and click game.
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A close range headshot with a combat shotgun should be an instant kill. Those darn talon company mercs seem to be some kind robot as I have shot them about six times in the head and they are still not dead wtf. And in all honesty guns do not degrade nearly as fast as they do in fallout 3. A properly maintaned firearm will last hundreds of years and even if its in crappy condition that shouldn't effect wheather a head shot will kill or not.
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