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More feminine running


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Bethesda didn't make a special animation for female running, so by default they run like a male warrior. This is quite goofy looking actually because they run like they have something between their legs, if you know what I mean :P. I have found a good animation for running with 2-handed weapon out, in the Hentai Mania mod, that is used for the enemies there but we are still missing one for the other modes. Maybe you happen to know where I could get such a mod and if not maybe someone with animation skills could make one?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Bethesda didn't make a special animation for female running, so by default they run like a male warrior. This is quite goofy looking actually because they run like they have something between their legs, if you know what I mean :P. I have found a good animation for running with 2-handed weapon out, in the Hentai Mania mod, that is used for the enemies there but we are still missing one for the other modes. Maybe you happen to know where I could get such a mod and if not maybe someone with animation skills could make one?


There's one for Fallout3 and it looks pretty good.

Maybe just make it playable for oblivion, someone?

I would if I knew how...

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Well, there is a sexy walking mod.... Well, not quite what you're looking for though...

I tried looking for running animations on youtube, but I only found a very weird one and ninja-animations >_<

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as moxica says. there is for fallout 3, i guess it would be just a matter of importing the oblivion skeleton , then importing the fallout animation, then exporting the animation. all in one go.


problem is, i am having such strange behavior while exporting kf animations from 3dsmax! it just keep adding extra keyframes to the animation, like inserting a traslate Z 5 miles above in the middle of the animation, or traslating Y 10 meters at the begining, then X 40 meters in the middle, and so forth...


someone told me in the forums, that it happened because you had to fill a quota, but i really doubt that, since i do the same operation on stock anims, and it still happens... any news on the other provinces?

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  • 1 month later...
I will take a look at it but I found another one that looks pretty good in the meantime -
The problem is to get the file and then convert it :P
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I like that one, but I'm running a hybrid Drow/Darkspear Troll that is a cannibal/ltrickster/thief.

I just can't bring myself to make her walk like that. LOL

Now if I could make all imperial guards walk like that, I'd do it in a second.


Thanks for that! Once I grow tired of my evil black Drow with tusks I'll make either another female or a rather delicate male.

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That one actually looks good for females and males. If you can make it happen, I'll test it out if you like.


Well, not quite what I'm looking for no. Tbh I only want something that makes your female character run with her legs closer together when she has one-handed weapon out because with the vanilla animation it looks like she has something between her legs. That's the only one missing. I liked the ninja animation but it doesn't work like it's supposed to. Some weird direction randomness occurs and it looks like you face sideways when you are running.

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