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Rebuilding the world after Fallout 3


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Actually Life After People showed that DC in particular wouldn't survive as well as it has in Fallout 3. ;)


Oh I forgot about that, I was focusing on the erosion types. That's true, D.C by now would be underwater. I guess your right about that. :yes:

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Not to mention the buildings in the Fallout world were initially damaged by war, giving nature a huge head start on tearing them down, particularly those buildings that have lost their roof.


In-game, Underworld is canonically "falling apart" -- and it's sheltered behind doors and (IIRC) down an elevator, AND has people trying to fix it. They'd probably do a lot better if they fixed the hole in the roof.


The BoS could be responsible for the Washington Monument still being standing, though they really ought to do something about the exposed steel. 'course, that might be difficult with Super Muties shooting at them. Three Dog's gonna need a new place for his antenna.


But like I said before, a Fallout world that was accurately decayed (or even accurately nuked!) just wouldn't be very interesting (well, it might be, for a little while). Having mostly-intact buildings to explore is more fun.

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Not to mention the buildings in the Fallout world were initially damaged by war, giving nature a huge head start on tearing them down, particularly those buildings that have lost their roof.


In-game, Underworld is canonically "falling apart" -- and it's sheltered behind doors and (IIRC) down an elevator, AND has people trying to fix it. They'd probably do a lot better if they fixed the hole in the roof.


The BoS could be responsible for the Washington Monument still being standing, though they really ought to do something about the exposed steel. 'course, that might be difficult with Super Muties shooting at them. Three Dog's gonna need a new place for his antenna.


But like I said before, a Fallout world that was accurately decayed (or even accurately nuked!) just wouldn't be very interesting (well, it might be, for a little while). Having mostly-intact buildings to explore is more fun.


True. But a Fallout world with extensive electricity is even more alluring. Can't wait for Fallout N.V. :yes:

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I'm going to love New Vegas because it will tell a different story from the other Fallouts. The other games portrayed the settlements as in peril, and having major problems, barely getting by. New Vegas will tell a story about an area in the Wasteland that is absolutely prospering, and probably closest to actual civilization in the Wasteland.
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I'm going to love New Vegas because it will tell a different story from the other Fallouts. The other games portrayed the settlements as in peril, and having major problems, barely getting by. New Vegas will tell a story about an area in the Wasteland that is absolutely prospering, and probably closest to actual civilization in the Wasteland.


What they need to do(Which I think they'll do in Fallout 4)is rebuild the world completly by using a G.E.C.K properly. Maybe I'll present that story to them I have in the Garden...

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It's just a shame that whomever activates the GECK, won't see the bright of day ever again.


Not if they do it the way my character does in my story, which is to use satellite technology...

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It will be hard rebuilding humanity if humanity doesnt want to be rebuilt.


When the Earth plunged into chaos, gangs,raiders and slavers thrived. And they create more chaos.



Not to mention Super Mutants. Sure, Lyons knows where they breed now, but how would they eradicate them all?



Looks like alot of bloodshed still ahead

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Reading some of the posts, I found an easier-ish way to eliminate the horrors of the Wastes. Before the LW hands Eden's FEV to Lyons, Lyons said that he would dispose of it after the Scribes record it. I bet that the Scribes would be able to recreate that FEV sample, with that we would be able to take care of any unwanteds.


How would be a bit tricky but possible, we stock up a large amount of clean, fresh water and warn everyone that we don't want dead, to not drink any dirty water. Then we inject the FEV into Project Purity, this will distribute the FEV through out the CW. anyone not warned that drinks water from the river, will die. And that should, in theory, eliminate any unwanteds.


This would make the CW army's job a heck lode easier.


Of course, when all unwanteds are gone, we shut down the Purifier, remove the FEV, destroy the FEV, then reactivate the Purifier, we have clean water flowing in a couple months. In the meantime, we have clean water stockpiled.


Of course I know that there would objections form the Wastelanders, The LW could go around and reassure the Wastelanders.

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Here is my POV(Point of View)


Brotherhood of Steel should expand as big as the US Army. They should build up the citadel ALOOOOOOOOT Bigger. Then.. Well.


They should go from Settlement to settlement in BIG Groups like 20 to 30 People. and Escort them ALL to Rivet City as its the most secure area. Then after that is done they should make Rivet city a lot safer w/ Patrolls. And troops moving in and protecting everyone.


After that They should recruit GREAT Engineers that can build up a HUUUUUUGE Town like the D.C And Brotherhood of Steel would help them from the dangers etc. When the town is done they should let everyone out of Rivet City and let them move into that big town, They should use Rivet City for supply and BoS Could use it as their Main " Base " .. They should however clear out the D.C Ruins.


Cause D.C Is More screwed then the Wasteland.


This would take time, But the situation the world is now in is a lot beter. They SHOULD Repair the vaults and make them " Just in case " a new nuclear war.


Brotherhood of Steel as the New US Army could aswell become the new Lawbringers ( Cops ) In the Wasteland. I don't know much about Enclave tho.. Id say that BoS Could take them out by building 3 Liberty primes and get a lot of troops

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