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Thunderdome bar


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This is a mod idea that I have been dwelling on for quite some time now and posting bits and bobs about on the forums so I thought I'd concentrate and share my ideas and see if I can get some feedback and see what people think.

It is going to be a basement bar with a difference. Imagine Beyond the Thunderdome in Fallout 3 meets Moriartys. I wanted to make a bar similar to the way Moriartys is dank and dark, with low lights and lamps on the tables and stuff, but make it feel quite cozy at the same time.


The player can use this bar as just a bar to drink in, or they can go into the locker room and activate the fight terminal.

The player can set up a fight choosing from humans, ghouls, dogs and supermutants. Once a faction has been chosen you can determine a number of up to 4 npc's to fight (except supermutants, one at a time is enough i think).


If the player chooses a human faction fight, each faction is opposed to each other, where as the ghoul and dog fights have all npc's against the player. After the selection has taken place, the player exits the terminal, dumps their inventory in a locker (make sure you shoot up all the chems you need for the fight now!) and leave the changing room to go back into the main bar where the ring has the selected npc's waiting in it for you. The player then activates a door on the ring which activates a teleport function into the ring to avoid the enemy running out of the ring.


The player can proceed to pick up various melee weapons placed in the ring for the fight and try to win it for the cap reward. If the players helth gets to 5%, the fight ends and you are teleported back to the changing room. If the player wins the fight, the dead bodies are removed on exit and caps are rewarded by speaking to John Black in the back office.


Features I had planned are:[/b]


- 2 guards upstairs guarding basement door leading down to bar

- Main room with a fully fledged stocked bar with bartender (npc Jack, Gobs Brother), fight cage set in the middle, tables, chairs, pool table, lamps, ashtrays, clutter ect

- Changing room with fight terminal, lockers, bench, sink, clutter ect

- Back office with desk, safe, clutter ect,( npc John Black is the owner and friend of Moriarty)

- Sanbox customer npc's with robust personalities so they don't go into flee mode and leave the bar when the fights start

- Possibly a player squat with a well rested bed and infirmary linked to an unlock quest based around a "delivery"



Fights include:


Humans - 100 caps each

Ghouls - 50 caps each

Dogs - 25 caps each

Supermutant - 500 caps


I'm new to modding so it's going to take a while, but I do have a mod which has a very similar function to what I need that just needs to be tweeked and moved into a new location.

Also, some of the problems I can forsee are the customers of the bar going into flee mode when you re-enter from the changing room because of the hostile npc's in the ring and timing the 5% player health condition to end the fight. If anyone has any ideas or tips on how to solve these problems or tips on how to make this a good mod please share them......Thanks for reading...

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i would love to help bassically, i finnish my degree in a couple of days from now and im going to install the geck and have a bash at modding.


in essence, i dont think getting the bare bones of the mod going is that hard. I'll PM you with some details and we can see what we can do.


if anyone else thinks they can help contribute to construction or flesh out some of the ideas that would be cool.

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