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Missing d3dx9_43.dll After installing + Installing ENB


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I'm getting just a little mad...



I have just updated my computer, literally, got finished setting up windows and basic programs three hours ago. I install oblivion, my DLC, and a no cd patch.


I run the launcher, it sets video settings, I reset them, run the game, reset the graphics in game, close it. I then directly install 'A tweaked ENB' following it's directions. I then go to the game, and I get the error "Can not find d3dx9_43.dll". Game launches then crashes.


I've read numerous posts about the install issues with win7, and to put the game right on the root of the C:\.

I have, under C:\Games\Bethseda\Oblivion


I'm not sure where this error is coming from. I have downgraded to DX9, then upgraded to DX11, and it didn't fix, I restarted, no fix, I even reinstalled, which lead me to believe it's ENB related.



I don't know how to fix this, or whether to not use ENB. However, I would like to use it, as I was unable to on my previous system, I would, and I hope it will run on this system. :/


Someone have any ideas on a fix?



Note ; I remove ENB, no error. So it's ENB related.

Edited by Paenumbra
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