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realistic septims coins weight


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It always disturbed me to carry tons of coins with me accross Tamriel.

I'm used to stash most of my coins in my house, only keeping on me what i would consider a realistic ammount of money (around 1000 coins) excepted when i'm going shopping.

I made some calculation (out of sheer curiosity) about the septims coins.

A Septim measure roughly ø17.78mm and 2.54mm high. it's a cylinder so
Pi x radius² x hight. 3.14 x ( 17.78 x 17.78 ) x 2.54 = 2521.31mm³.

Assuming a septim would be at least 90% gold and filled with lesser metals (let's assume 5% silver, 5% copper) and we have a total weight of : 46.31g

I already searched for a mod that modify the weight value. i found somme who give 100 coins a value of 1 (0.01 per coins) and another who give 1000 coins a value of 1 (0.001 pers coins).

a normal iron sword in skyrim weight 9Sw (skyrim weight , bulls*** unit from bethesda...). In reality an iron sword would have an average weight of 2.5 kilos. If 2.5kg = 9Sw then 1kg = 0.27Sw. 1g would be 0.000278Sw. Let's round it to 0.0003Sw per grams. 0.0003 x 46.31 = 0.013893, let's round it a 0.02.

as an exemple that would make a 1000 coin weight 20Sw.

does anybody could make a simple mod making coin weight 0.02Sw each ?

(as for price rate and balancing, i'm using several mods that allow me to tweak how much coins are found and the price rates so i can manage that part on my own)

thanks in advance.

best regards

Edited by Signur
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That would very easy to make so easy infact that you coudl make it yourself.


yes, i as explained i did. but each time the modder made up a value.


I would like to have the exact value i detailled before.




That would very easy to make so easy infact that you coudl make it yourself.

Do you know a good tutorial or can you explained a little bit ? I tried to find a way but i suck with the creation kit...


I first though of taking the first coin weight mod i could find and then modify the value in it. I failed miserably.

Edited by Signur
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