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Compass blur bug


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Okay, so, for some reason my compass is blurring on 'N' and I can't figure out why or how... I'm running with FWE and weapon mod kits, if that makes any difference. Quite annoying! Any help anyone can offer?







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Alright, alright....

Try getting a UI mod of some kind, or save and try a new game. It's either a data glitch or you somehow blurred the .nif file.


Okay, I've just tried Darn's UI mod, and while I think it's improved the UI, no luck with the compass. How would I go finding out if it's a glitch or a blurred .nif file? And what _is_ a .nif file?

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Does it occur with different save games?


Yes, it's pretty much universal. Also with all mods disabled.

when most people disable mods


the textures, meshes and even more interestingly dll's stay around and are quite active


so . . .


if you didn't remove these


you need to consider a more effective form of mod deactivation to test this


and if you cannot devise a way to do this


you need to do a full clean uninstall - and MAKE certain you remove the remains before you re-install.

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