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TFC command and player movement.


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Is there anyway at all through modding to control your character independently of the freecam? Say I have the freecam up and I want to be able to walk my character into frame and turn her or him towards the camera.


Would this be possible, or is there no way to override or skirt around the freecam's takeover of mouse+wasd while it's active?

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It's possible, but you will need to write a script that will replace forward\backward\etc controls from WASD to something else, and put loopgroup (the last is the best) animations on WASD keys. Something like this (just a brief idea without saving old controls, lots of required if statements, so it's up to you):

SetControl 0 200 ;0 - forward control, 200 - dx code for Up Arrow, so you can move camera with arrows and player with wasd
if iskeypressed 17 ;if W is pressed
    player.loopgroup rastforward 0 ;will loop forward animation (and player will move). 0 flag is for cycling anim from start frame
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