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Skyklok: A Metalocalypse Follower Pack


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So, amid (slowly but surely) getting another project done (Hoo boy, it's harder than I thought! But anyway), my fiancée and I were joking around watching/listening to Metalocalypse. And we had a thought.


Now, it's a bit sillier than my usual "Is this lore-friendly?" mindset, but a little laughter is good for the heart, I've always believed. So...here's a thought:


A Dethklok follower pack, complete with the five members of Dethklok:


"Skwisgaar Skwigelf, taller than a tree.
Toki Wartooth, not a bumblebee.
William Murderface, Murderface, Murderface.
Pickles, the drummer, doodily doo. Ding-dong, doodily, doodily, doo.
Nathan Explosion!


And a version for the ladies: The Daughters of Dethklok. (I'm still working on the names for these ladies).


I should note again, that this is purely for the light-hearted (if Dark And Brutal) metalhead, and the Daughters of Dethklok won't be scantily clad. They'll be Dark And Brutal of course, but these are classy ladies. ;)


Sheer curiosity: Would something like this go over well, with the proper credit where it is due, of course?


Yours in Light-Hearted Dark And Brutal Fun,


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