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Dealing with Voice Files

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How do you do it? This is my process right now, suggested by darren83 (used to be more inefficient):


  1. Get voice files.
  2. Clean and edit voice files, if there are multiple takes choose which ones I prefer.
  3. Use export selection in Audacity to export each line (when cutting and pasting into new tracks in Audacity I got pops, echos, and other bad sounds at the beginning of most lines for some reason), and as I export, name them with the CK so they come out with the proper names.
  4. Copy and paste all the lines, in the proper .wav format, to the right folder that corresponds to the character in my Skyrim/Data/Sound/Voices/Mod.esp/VoiceType folder.
  5. Go through line by line in the CK and generate .lip files.
  6. Backup the .lip files in a separate folder.
  7. Use the Unfuzer to convert my .wav + .lip files to .fuz.
  8. Replace the .wav and .lip files in the aforementioned folder with the .fuz files.

And then I'm done. How do you do it, and what do you recommend as the fastest and most efficient way?

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Well check my post in your other one but fuzing them with unfuzer in the voice folder will erase the lip and wav files so you can just copy/paste unfuzer into each folder and run it and clean up unfuz later

Oh, yeah, I backup all my .wavs and .lips to different folders first.

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Lol I probably make your backups look inferior

250+ backup esps

25 gigs of backup meshes sounds textures etc in my dropbox folder

I get paranoid



I have about 11 GB of backups right now.


I have Skyrim installed on my SSD and it's kind of annoying because all my modding stuff has made it so I only have 30 GB of SSD left (since Windows, User, etc. is also installed on there). But I don't want to take it off the SSD because it plays so much better when it's on it.

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My backups are not on my SSD though lol

I literally have one whole ssd for skyrim modding and 1 for my OS and one for other games lol

and 3 other optic drives

Yeah, well, when I built my computer they put all the program files on the SSD, which kind of makes sense but I have barely any room for Skyrim alone.

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Go through line by line in the CK and generate .lip files.

This part can be automated. From Alexander Velicky (source):


Or, if you have a LOT of lines to do, then make sure (the WAV files) are all in the proper place, and click Gameplay on the top toolbar, then Facial Animation, then say yes. This will regenerate LIP files for ALL lines with loose waves. However it runs through every single line of dialogue in Skyrim as well (Though it doesn't make or change any files for it), so it takes my computer about 12 minutes to do. But when it's done, every single one of my over 1000 dialogue lines has a nice shiny LIP file.

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Ya but if you have your workflow set like I described it is merely one extra click to gen a lip file for a line, nothing more nothing less and pretty much top speed on the rest provided you have large wav files you are exporting

Waiting 12 min for 40 lip files when you want to test a single quest is absurd, not to mention the chance of the buggy ass CK crashing in the middle

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