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Hi mates: hard geck mission!


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Hi mates... lil' questio nabout geck. Here's the matter: there's a plasma gun i love. But i hate see all the plasma shoots coming out from it while i'm shooting....what should i modify and in which way to delete the "viewable plasma bullet" effect? ....i know it's hard...maybe impossible...for example i have a mod with a minigun which doesnt show any bullet while shooting but just a short-shiny-fire effect just at the end of the wep



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Go to the plasma gun in the geck. Double click. There should be a form. On it there is a space with # projectiles to the left of it. There is a number in that space. Delete it an put in zero. Save as a new plugin, exit, activate it in your load order, and you're good to go.

But I have a question for you:

I always wanted to ask, what do people have against projectiles? Is there a reason? I personally love them, and it makes me sad when I see a mod that says "No more tracers".

Anyhow, hope that helps.

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