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Please help with redguard female head problem


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I've just recently got into modding and I've got a problem with the heads on Redguard females and I'm not really sure how to go about curing it. Basically the problem is that their faces are way too pale. However the problem doesn't exist on all Redguard women. For instance Ahlam in Whiterun is fine but Saadia and Tonilia at the thieves guild in Riften have heads with a complexion like Michael Jackson. It's the same story with other Reguard female NPCs throughout the game some are fine others too pale.


The problem is something to do with the mod Jilteks Children of the Sky. When it's disabled the problem doesn't exist. I've had a look at any file it installed that referenced Redguard females and renamed them to .bak but the problem still exists. I'm kind of at a loss what to try next or how I can discover what it is about the mod that is modifying some of the Redguard females in the game, I do have Creation Kit installed but I'm kind of reluctant to go poking about in ignorance in case I make my install fubar. Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Do you have creation kit? while on actors list, find the one your looking for then CTRL F4

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Question #1

On the affected females are only the heads improperly colored? In other words, are the hands, feet and body also of the wrong color?


Question #2

When starting a new game with the same mods active, can you create a Redguard female that has the same improper color?

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