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Youve been asking alot of questions....

Legion monkey

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So I am yet another bod with ideas. Here are some thoughts from an experienced role-player. Now before I start all that, I should mention I am as technologically minded as a biscuit. Hence the totally inept attempt to inspire/manipulate someone into making some of these. I have been playing F03 since it was first released and I am a total fan. The ideas I have are based around the principal of detail, practicality, fun with a hint of realism, and moral irony. Oh, and they would probably look really cool too.


A can opener. You heard me, do you know how long I’ve been carrying these cans of pork n beans for!!?


Binoculars, yeah, I told you some of them might be practical.


Under-arm holster, because they exist? I know the animated part may be impossible to create but, is it?


The lower half of an enclave officer uniform combined with the blood spattering from the surgeons outfit with a top from the excellent mod of vault-Tec underwear, re- textured version. All covered in mess and particularly blood. Like the guy from the vault says when you return, you aren’t recognisable because you are covered in so much grime from the waste.


Can my character please have freckles? Without changing the race? I have had to give up on race mods completely because of the issues of returning to default race when I use a lounger. Like the saving dad bit. Absolute nightmare.


Megaton home with some changes/extras. A balcony for relaxing on, with a barbecue and a table with some utensils, maybe a nuka-cola fridge? Would be nice, and that would tie in with the rest of this barmy idea. A water purifier, a mole-rat super meat maker, and a nice double bed with a bit of worn carpet beside it. With bedding? A pillow perchance? Oh, a cooker and a fridge, a drinks cabinet possibly on the first floor. A place to store medical supplies and a safe under the desk on the second floor. Replace that bed on the second floor with some more cupboards possibly? A piano. No I am kidding, forget the piano. Maybe some lamps that actually work? Light switches? That excellent aquarium? Boxes to store various bits in. The place needs an overhaul, I keep on using stuff like the mini-hideout and his other excellent mod down at rivet-city but, they are a bit squeaky clean. Excellent though that is for squeaky clean heroes, I do tend to attempt the survivalist who hasn’t found the military base with the MP5`s or the perfect Kevlar- military uniforms, on the other cheek is the run down bare waste-Lander/ raider type bases that also don’t quite hit the mark. It’s a nuance, I know but I love my characters to have what they would have in their world.


A toilet roll. Mantis did one so I am happy now. Maybe without the logo?


A proper looking dog bowl?


Has anyone done a pip-boy like the pda from the girl in the game “stolen”? Its rather nice looking.


A torch. You know, one of those old 50`s styled ones? Just a thought.


My latest character is a sporty type with a fixation on fruit and nuka-cola, could there be a way to expand on that nuka-cola quest? More food stuff? Joining the club? Making that threesome happen? No, no no, too much, but you get my thoughts, it’s a fun silly quest and the single pie recipe seems uneventful after you have done it.


A toilet roll. Please read the above paragraph again.



More hidden stashes. Just random stashes of cash and ammo and food, left behind by someone who didn’t ever get back for it. Obvious really, wouldn’t it happen all the more now the super mutants have taken over?


A screwdriver. You know why.


A vampire lair. Now I know some may start on me about this, but I love the idea, a coven sees the human race heading for oblivion and is prepared? Fantastic idea. Think Underworld and you’ve got the idea in its fullest. Forget the family pseudo attempted genre, they aren’t even close, they are just a bunch of civilised cannibals. And Whats with that complete contradiction of you being hunted like a wild dog if you go eating the mayor of Megaton but its fine that the family and an entire town go to eat at Joe’s? Sorry, eat Joe. Grumble moan if I was the owner of Bethesda…mumble mumble.


So, back to the ridiculous and outrageous ideas wish list.


Of course, you do realise I don’t know how to use GECK? Or that I can’t install FOSE without my computer laughing at me and then spontaneously combusting? No? Well I have survived thus far with FOMM. And mighty fine is FOMM too. Geck just sits there in my machine looking complivated. Of course I can’t have the all singing all dancing graphically candied marvels that some of us mod users do, but I am happy with what is available to me. I just see more. Hope for more in that simple format where I download, open FOMM, package manager make new and yes please hey presto it works no problem. Oh how I wish for more of those beauties.


Black wolf thank you. I love your backpacks. Could I have a courier bag please?


A half smoked cigar. In my mouth, fat one. Slightly chewed if possible.


Cigarette behind the ear. Cool, that would be silly cool.



A machette. Katanas are cool, combat knives are ok, but there is nothing in between. I want a machete. Please with some sort of fruit on top? Not the mod, the request.


Now the current fad I have is wearing the Faith cloth mod from the game mirrors edge. Hence the fruit cola diet. Love it, close as to my cup of tea as you can get. Brilliant.Blood and muck spattered please, this is the wasteland.


A small portion of you reading this may assume I am being critical and unkind to those hard working modders that make those excellent things that we all love to use and enjoy. Me too!! I love you peeps like you would not believe. Its great that you do this and don’t think for a second that because a poxy moron like me can see bits and ideas above his station that your work is any less than brilliant. At least you know how to use your computer beyond the install a game and make an e-mail level. Me? I am simply incapable of doing anything more than writing this post. Trust me, I have tried.


Have I appealed to your sense of humour? Have I just unwittingly anoid every mod maker in here? I have no idea. But I have the feeling I may find out.


Can I have a can opener please, I am really getting rather hungry.


PM me if you wish, I might ignore you if you are nasty. If you know of a mod out there already that fits anything I have mentioned, TELL ME!! Thank you. If you think you can make anything from my mad rambling mind boggling ideas please do feel free to do so and GIVE ME A CHANCE TO USE IT!! That would be really nice of you.


The Legion monkey has spoken, he is now going to go and have a lie down, I think I’ve hurt my brain cell. Oh, and if you stopped reading this halfway through because you thought I was an idiot and went off to go make something to drink and mumble to yourself about how they’ll let any moron post on the forum, I am glad you didn’t finish reading this because your not the kind of person I want in my mind. Or using my shiny new can- opener.Grin. Its good to smile.

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About 5 minutes of searching the nexus got me these:


(1) Binoculars:



(2) Megaton house overhaul (there are several):



(3) Torches:



(4) If by "courier bag" you mean shoulder bag:



(5) Machete:



There may be more that fit your desires - search around a little.


Good luck!

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About 5 minutes of searching the nexus got me these:


(1) Binoculars:



(2) Megaton house overhaul (there are several):



(3) Torches:



(4) If by "courier bag" you mean shoulder bag:



(5) Machete:



There may be more that fit your desires - search around a little.


Good luck!




Wow, just wow man. Thank you for your obvious interest in showing me how completey inept I am at finding stuff I am actually looking for. I bow to your hunting skills sir or madam (I just darent assume).


The machete is fine, I seem to be having trouble with the texture add-on but hey, when dont I have trouble? Lol.


Courier bag is not that I am afraid, no no. Courier bag....to describe such a thing.....hmmm... timbuk2.com. http://www.timbuk2.com/tb2/products/messenger/classic-messenger should be able to enlighten you.


Bino`s and Meg upgrade are to be installed tonight and I will let you know...although it does look a little opulant....I am avoiding opulant. But it does look like I am salivating so.....what the hell, I will be happy if I can cook a mutfruit.


Now that is dealt with.....


Can someone please make me a can opener !! I am sooooo hungry.


thanks for the input dude, really appreciated.


The Legion monkey has spoken.

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