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Need This For Machinima - In-game Xmarkers


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Some time ago I made Machinima in Fallout 3 and had an addon made. It allowed me to simply shoot an NPC with the Groovatron gun (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/3284), then walk to any location and using a hotkey, place a marker. From there, pressing the "i" hotkey would order the NPC to walk to the marker I set. "u" would order them to run.


This was really useful and saved a lot of time, as I could create many scenes on the fly without having to run the GECK every time I wanted an NPC to walk 10 feet.


If someone has an idea on how to make this possible for me once again, I would be very grateful. This is a feature I don't think I can work without :tongue:


Many Thanks,


Edited by drakortha
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