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How to run a mod project with multiple people working on it?


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This is where I believe I'm somehow going wrong, then.


I'm trying to merge a file called rochersteroverhaul.esp with rochesterupdate.esp, which both have the masters skyrim.esm and rochester.esm. So by what you just said, the merged file would still only have those two .esm files, yes? However, when I merge the two .esp files, and check in CK or NMM, it lists it's master files as being skyrim.esm, rochester.esm, rochesteroverhaul.esp and rochesterupdate.esp :/


I think I'm fudging this up somewhere down the line, as the file essentially requires it's own parent files instead of joining together two files.

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This is where I believe I'm somehow going wrong, then.


I'm trying to merge a file called rochersteroverhaul.esp with rochesterupdate.esp, which both have the masters skyrim.esm and rochester.esm. So by what you just said, the merged file would still only have those two .esm files, yes? However, when I merge the two .esp files, and check in CK or NMM, it lists it's master files as being skyrim.esm, rochester.esm, rochesteroverhaul.esp and rochesterupdate.esp :/


I think I'm fudging this up somewhere down the line, as the file essentially requires it's own parent files instead of joining together two files.

Are you using the merge script or the manual method?

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Merge script :smile: thanks for your help on this btw, I really appreciate it. Love your Simple Taxes mod.

Thank you :smile:.


Hmm. The best I can offer is maybe you sending me the .esps and I can merge them (hopefully it'll work for me) and then I can send them back, but I can't really think of why it wouldn't work.


Before you do that though - where is your TES5Edit located (installed), and what settings are you using when you merge your scripts?

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Thank you, that would be really great as a last resort :) Would you need the .esm and .bsa files for that?


TES5Edit is just installed in SteamApps > common > Skyrim, I haven't put it in a folder or anything, it's just loose. And merging I just go with the defaults of creating a new file and the two-pass intelligent copy :)

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Thank you, that would be really great as a last resort :smile: Would you need the .esm and .bsa files for that?


TES5Edit is just installed in SteamApps > common > Skyrim, I haven't put it in a folder or anything, it's just loose. And merging I just go with the defaults of creating a new file and the two-pass intelligent copy :smile:

Try putting TES5Edit in it's own folder (TES5Edit) in the Skyrim folder, making sure all it's associated files are in the folder with it.


And if you need to send it to me, I just need the .esps (though come to think of it, I would also need the .esm) and you can either PM me a link or email it to me ([email protected]). I'm not entirely sure if I won't have the same problem, but it might work.

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I've put TES5Edit in its own folder and tried again, I still end up with a merged file that requires both .esps and .esms to function :/


Hope you don't mind if I send you them.

That's fine. Send away.

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