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Fallout 3 works on Win 7


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Fallout 3 compatibility is a big topic, some say that it cant work on Win 7....it WORKS. It took me a while to figure out how. here are some steps

STEP 1: Install Games For Windows Live(make profile)

STEP 2: Install Fallout 3/ DLC(optional later)

STEP 3: Patch Fallout 3 to latest version

STEP 4: RC on Fallout 3 launcher and select compatibility mode "XP Service Pack 3" then RC again and "run as admin

STEP 5: Test Fallout 3 with or without DLC. Then set up DLC/Mods after Fallout 3

I am currently running Fallout 3 HEAVILY modded without the Fallout 3 disc. It is running great GOOD LUCK! :thumbsup:

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Didn't need to do any of that, just installed as I would have on XP and it worked no problems.


I'm running two rigs, one with Win 7 Ultimate and one with Win 7 Home Premium, no issues on either operating system.


Main thing to remember is not to install to the default location, create a folder somewhere called "My Games" and then sub folders inside it titled Fallout 3, Oblivion, DA Origins etc and install your games to the folders you created for them,


That gets you around the UAC interfering when you want to mod your games.

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UAC is intended as an extra layer of security to keep malware from making changes to any of the programs under it's protection. By default it protects anything in the programs folders. By turning it off, you make it just a little easier for the bottom feeding scum trying to install that malware. By installing games outside of the protected folders, you allow changes to a non critical program. No game is critical, no matter what you might think. Loss of the game, hundreds of hours of saves or constant CTDs will not affect your bank account, critical work files or cause your email to spam everyone in your contact list (like facebook). It can cause temporary mental anguish. But you will get over that. And take more precautions next time.
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Commandercrazy you're obviously a fairly experienced pc user and are aware of the risks involved in turning the UAC off, its your pc and your software and the way you have things works for you.


What I'm trying to point out (and I think Bben is also) is that:


Other users that are less experienced need to know the risks involved before they "just turn it off".


Its no biggy to just install games to a different folder and not have the UAC interfering when you mod them, whilst allowing that same UAC to do its job and protect the rest of your software and private details and information.


The fact that the UAC was bugging you shows that it was actually doing the job that it was designed to do and protecting your pc, and after all, Windows 7 aint cheap to buy and seeing as I've coughed up the brass for it, I want all the benefits it has to offer, I think others would feel the same way.

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