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armor slows you down


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I need to know if there is a mod which can make you move slower depending on the weight of the armor you are wearing, despite being a mod armor or not. I played with fook 2 for a while, which seemed to do just that, but I ragequit it due to frequent crashes. Now I seem to be running faster than f**king deathclaws. Immersion canceled >_<


What I'm getting at, is that I've searched the nexus for a day now and no luck, can anyone refer me to one that does what I described?

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Armor does slow you down heres how you can tes this give your follower metal armor.now strip your character and ssheath your weapon.now run full speed with 3rd person camer zoomed way out.he will slowly fall behind you about 3 ft. a second...yes its very slow taking affect but it does eventually mean you get away from your attacker unless they is a mutant.the is so much faster than you are if your wearing leather armor or heavier
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