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Is this good enough?


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Hallo to everyone, first of all, sorry for bad English.


I have no problems at all, but I'm too cautious, since I had very bad experience with FCOM and all other mods compatible with it. I want to ask will my current load order work fine in future like it does now?


Before I post my load order, there are few things you should know:


- I'm using OBSE;

- I'm using BOSS;

- I prefer Wrye Bash;

- I'm using OBMM only for OMOD installation;

- I have created Bashed Patch and my save file is updated;

- I followed FCOM installation instructions as closely as I could;

- I learned a lot from Tomlong75210's awesome TESIV:POSItive !! (Thx for making this, Tom)


Here's my Load Order:


Active Mod Files:
00  Oblivion.esm
01  Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm
02  Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm
03  Cobl Main.esm  [Version 1.72]
04  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm  [Version 1.34]
05  Mart's Monster Mod.esm  [Version 3.7b3p3]
06  Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esm
07  TamrielTravellers.esm  [Version 1.39c]
08  FCOM_Convergence.esm  [Version 0.9.9a7]
09  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.2.6]
0A  UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp  [Version 1.0.0]
0B  DLCShiveringIsles.esp
0C  Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp  [Version 1.4.0]
0D  Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp
0E  Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp
0F  Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp
10  Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp
11  Francesco's Dark Seducer Weapons Patch.esp
12  FCOM_Francescos.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
13  FCOM_FrancescosItemsAddOn.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
14  FCOM_FrancescosNamedBosses.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
15  Fran Armor Add-on.esp
16  Fran_Lv30Item_Maltz.esp
17  DLCHorseArmor.esp
18  DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]
19  DLCOrrery.esp
1A  DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.3]
1B  DLCVileLair.esp
1C  DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]
1D  DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
1E  DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]
1F  DLCSpellTomes.esp
20  DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.1]
21  MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp
22  DLCThievesDen.esp
23  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]
24  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp  [Version 1.0.4]
25  Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader.esp
26  Cobl Glue.esp  [Version 1.72]
27  Cobl Si.esp  [Version 1.63]
28  FCOM_Cobl.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
29  Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp
2A  FCOM_BobsArmory.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
2B  Oblivion WarCry EV.esp
2C  FCOM_WarCry.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
2D  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp  [Version 1.34]
2E  OOO-Map_Markers_Stock.esp  [Version 1.33]
2F  OMOBS.esp  [Version 1.0]
30  OMOBS_SI.esp  [Version 1.0]
31  FCOM_Convergence.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
32  FCOM_RealSwords.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
33  FCOM_DurabilityAndDamage.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
34  FCOM_SpawnRatesStronger.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
35  FCOM_SaferRoads.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
36  Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
37  Mart's Monster Mod - No Blood.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
38  Mart's Monster Mod - No Undead Rise.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
39  Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
3A  Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
3B  TamrielTravellers.esp  [Version 1.39c]
3C  TamrielTravellers4OOO.esp  [Version 1.39c]
3D  TamrielTravellersItemsNPC.esp  [Version 1.39c]
3E  ShiveringIsleTravellers.esp  [Version 1.39c]
3F  FCOM_TamrielTravelers.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
40  FCOM_DiverseGuardUnity.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
41  FCOM_HungersUnitySI.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
42  FCOM_Archery.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
43  FCOM_FriendlierFactions.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
44  FCOM_MoreRandomSpawns.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
45  FCOM_MoreRandomItems.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
46  Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
47  OOO-WaterFish.esp  [Version 1.34]
48  DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
49  DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]
4A  DLCFrostcrag.esp
4B  DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]
4C  Knights.esp
4D  Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.9]
4E  Ungarion1TheWelkyndSword.esp  [Version 1.4]
4F  Blood&Mud.esp
50  Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
51  FCOM_Blood&Mud.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
52  FCOM_Knights.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
53  FCOM_WelkyndSwordBlood&Mud.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
54  FCOM_SlofsRobeTrader.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
55  Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp
56  FCOM_EnhancedDaedricInvasion.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
57  FCOM_UnofficialFranArmorAddon.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
58  Harvest [Flora].esp  [Version 3.0.0]
59  Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp  [Version 3.0.0]
5A  Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp  [Version 3.0.0]
5B  Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp  [Version 3.0.0]
5C  Francesco's Slower skills x1.5.esp
5D  Cobl Races.esp  [Version 1.52]
5E  Cobl Races - Balanced.esp  [Version 1.52]
5F  Francesco's 10 days respawn time - 1-20 day lenght rescale.esp
60  OOO-Respawn_Week.esp  [Version 1.33]
61  OOO-Magic_Script_Effect_Fix.esp  [Version 1.33]
62  Bashed Patch, 0.esp


Also, BOSS.log didn't encountered any error or problem.


Please, tell me will this work later or have I done something wrong? Once again, it works perfect by now, but as I said, I had negative experience.


Thanks, your BlackerrR. :thumbsup:

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Your load order looks good, but I have a few comments. Give me a moment.



Edit: These are not major, but they will help with compatibility and some other things...


1) Deactivate all green-text (mergeable), purple-text (import-only) and italicized-text (really, really should be deactivated) plugins, and rebuild the bashed patch AFTER doing this.


2) 3A Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp [Version 3.7b3p3] <-- A few things to note: This note was on the site, but this plugin causes crashes for some, and will result in a few inconsistencies because OOO already includes this feature. If you want to use it, go ahead, but keep that in mind. The team has yet to figure out the source of the crashes, but people are trying.


3) Harvest Flora: Again, this was noted on that same page, but make sure you are using the latest version (from the Nexus page) and not the version bundled with OOO.


4) 5C Francesco's Slower skills x1.5.esp <-- OOO's default is x3, just FYI, so that is what you'd have if you removed this


5) 5F Francesco's 10 days respawn time - 1-20 day lenght rescale.esp

60 OOO-Respawn_Week.esp [Version 1.33] <-- This is redundant because you chose 10 days respawn with the above plugin.

Both of these can be replaced with Bashed Patch tweaks, so remove both, and set these settings in the bashed patch.


Globals > Timescale ; Tweak Settings > Cell Respawn (right-click to change the setting)


6) 61 OOO-Magic_Script_Effect_Fix.esp [Version 1.33] <-- Your load order does not need this. You do not have any magic mods installed that change this setting.



Edit: 7) Follow the first run guide after dealing with your LO and your bashed patch: http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/runoblivion/firstrun

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Sorry for late response, my DSL is bugging me.


Thanks a lot, Tomlong54210! I followed your instructions:


1.I deactivated all green-text .ESPs (there were no purple or italicized modes), rebuilt the patch and updated my save. But I have dilemma; a) is there a way to merge .ESM files and b) should I do that?


2.I deactivated Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp, first because of what have you said and secondly, it's not like I can't play without this.


3.I already had latest version installed. :)


4.Sorry, i don't understand you, I think that my bad English is fault! :confused: I didn't understood what "FYI" means. :)


5.Thanks for this, I set Cell Respawn to 10 in Bashed Patch.


6.Disabled OOO-Magic_Script_Effect_Fix.esp, but I'm keeping it Data files for later use (Supreme Magicka).


7.Did as instructed.


Since I made this thread yesterday, I installed few other mods. I tested mods almost one by one and cleaned few of them with TES4Edit using this instructions. However, there's are two 'problems':


1. When I rebuilt bashed patch, I couldn't bash TamrielTravellersItemsNPC.esp! But Wrye Bash indicates that it SHOULD be merged. Why is that, I don't know.


2.In BOSS log it says that I should deactivate TamrielTravellers.esp because it's features are already included in FCOM. I did it, but it doesn't work that way. When TamrielTravellers.esp is deactivated, it works perfectly in interiors and cities. But once I get outside e.g. IC Stables, it CTD. But when activate it again, it works. Is this a problem to leave TamrielTravellers.esp checked?


Well, these are only issues I encountered. Now I will post my LO, so please, it would be great if you can tell me does it look good. :rolleyes: Once again, thanks for you efforts !!


Active Mod Files:
00  Oblivion.esm
01  All Natural Base.esm  [Version 0.9.9]
02  Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm
03  Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm
04  Cobl Main.esm  [Version 1.72]
05  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm  [Version 1.34]
06  Mart's Monster Mod.esm  [Version 3.7b3p3]
07  Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esm
08  TamrielTravellers.esm  [Version 1.39c]
09  FCOM_Convergence.esm  [Version 0.9.9a7]
0A  Kvatch Rebuilt.esm
0B  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.2.6]
0C  UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp  [Version 1.0.0]
0D  DLCShiveringIsles.esp
0E  Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp  [Version 1.4.0]
0F  Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp
10  Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp
11  Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp
12  Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp
++  Francesco's Dark Seducer Weapons Patch.esp
++  FCOM_Francescos.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  FCOM_FrancescosItemsAddOn.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
13  FCOM_FrancescosNamedBosses.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
14  Fran Armor Add-on.esp
15  Fran_Lv30Item_Maltz.esp
16  Atmospheric Loading Screens - Random Quotes.esp
17  All Natural - Real Lights.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
18  All Natural.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
19  All Natural - SI.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  All Natural - EW + NW + AWS.esp  [Version Final]
1A  Enhanced Water v2.0 ND.esp
1B  Storms & Sound.esp
1C  Rainbows.esp
1D  Book Jackets Oblivion.esp
1E  SigilStonesExpanded1.5.esp
1F  Update My Statue.esp  [Version 1.30]
20  Living Economy.esp
21  Living Economy - Items.esp
22  Cutthroat Merchants.esp
23  DLCHorseArmor.esp
24  DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]
25  DLCOrrery.esp
26  DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.3]
27  DLCVileLair.esp
28  DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]
29  DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
2A  DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]
2B  DLCSpellTomes.esp
++  DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.1]
++  MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp
2C  DLCThievesDen.esp
2D  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]
2E  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp  [Version 1.0.4]
2F  Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader.esp
30  Cobl Glue.esp  [Version 1.72]
31  Cobl Si.esp  [Version 1.63]
++  FCOM_Cobl.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
32  Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp
33  FCOM_BobsArmory.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
34  Oblivion WarCry EV.esp
35  FCOM_WarCry.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
36  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp  [Version 1.34]
37  OOO-Map_Markers_Stock.esp  [Version 1.33]
++  OMOBS.esp  [Version 1.0]
++  OMOBS_SI.esp  [Version 1.0]
38  FCOM_Convergence.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
39  FCOM_RealSwords.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
3A  FCOM_DurabilityAndDamage.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  FCOM_SpawnRatesStronger.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  FCOM_SaferRoads.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
++  Mart's Monster Mod - No Blood.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
++  Mart's Monster Mod - No Undead Rise.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
3B  Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
3C  TamrielTravellers.esp  [Version 1.39c]
3D  TamrielTravellers4OOO.esp  [Version 1.39c]
3E  TamrielTravellersItemsNPC.esp  [Version 1.39c]
3F  ShiveringIsleTravellers.esp  [Version 1.39c]
++  FCOM_TamrielTravelers.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  FCOM_DiverseGuardUnity.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  FCOM_HungersUnitySI.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  FCOM_Archery.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  FCOM_FriendlierFactions.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
40  FCOM_MoreRandomSpawns.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
41  FCOM_MoreRandomItems.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
42  Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
43  OOO-WaterFish.esp  [Version 1.34]
44  Amajor7 Imperial Furniture.esp
45  Kvatch Rebuilt.esp
46  Kvatch Rebuilt - Leveled Guards - FCOM.esp
++  Kvatch Rebuilt Weather Patch.esp
47  LetThePeopleDrink.esp  [Version 2.5]
48  za_bankmod.esp
49  DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
4A  DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]
4B  DLCFrostcrag.esp
4C  DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]
4D  Knights.esp
4E  Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.9]
4F  The Lost Spires.esp
50  AFK_Weye.esp
51  Ungarion1TheWelkyndSword.esp  [Version 1.4]
52  Blood&Mud.esp
53  Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp  [Version 3.7b3p3]
54  FCOM_Blood&Mud.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  FCOM_Knights.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  FCOM_WelkyndSwordBlood&Mud.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
++  FCOM_SlofsRobeTrader.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
55  Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp
++  FCOM_EnhancedDaedricInvasion.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
56  bartholm.esp
++  FCOM_UnofficialFranArmorAddon.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
57  Harvest [Flora].esp  [Version 3.0.0]
++  Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp  [Version 3.0.0]
++  Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp  [Version 3.0.0]
58  Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp  [Version 3.0.0]
59  Storms & Sound - AFK_Weye.esp
5A  Storms & Sound - Amajor7 Imperial Furniture.esp
5B  Storms & Sound - Bank of Cyrodiil.esp
5C  Storms & Sound - Bartholm.esp
5D  Storms & Sound - Blood&Mud.esp
5E  Storms & Sound - The Lost Spires.esp
5F  LTDVampireOverhaul.esp
60  RenGuardOverhaul.esp
61  RenGuardOverhaulShiveringIsles.esp
62  Smarter Mercantile Leveling - Multi.esp
++  Francesco's Slower skills x1.5.esp
63  Cobl Races.esp  [Version 1.52]
++  Cobl Races - Balanced.esp  [Version 1.52]
64  Francesco's 10 days respawn time - 1-20 day lenght rescale.esp
65  OOO-Respawn_Week.esp  [Version 1.33]
66  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
67  Streamline 3.1.esp

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1) No. Bash merging and actually merging plugins together is not the same thing. All Bash mergeable mods are green, and no ESMs should be mergeable. ESMs are meant to be resources that hold new records. New records are not Bash mergeable.


4) FYI == For Your Information


6) Not necessary. SM already does that (and more than OOO.) The popular magic mods all do.

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Thx for information, Tom. I would be very thankful if someone could answer my two question in the post #3. :rolleyes:

What questions?



Edit: I assume you are talking about those TT comments... Please, pay more attention when you read the TT Read Me. It is incorrectly installed in many, many load orders, but usually the problem is something else. Anyway...


3C TamrielTravellers.esp [Version 1.39c] <-- This is redundant with TT4OOO. If you read the Read Me there are three main TT ESPs, and you've installed two. You can only install one CORE ESP. FCOM and OOO require that you install TT4OOO. That information is in the FCOM docs as well.


TTItemsNPC should be merged.

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