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No bodies

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I downloaded Robert's male bodyV4, and it didn't work. All it did was make the bodies nonexistant, and have a bunch of random heads floating around in clothes with no hands or feet. Is there any way to fix this?


ok the problem is that you've somehow lost the textures, Ive seen the same thing happen to BAB and HGEC users-no textures and no meshes, thus no body, I even had this happen to myself recently with a HGEC update that replaced lovely my HD 1080 DPI textures with "blank" textures, the upshot being that all female characters lost all bodily detalis, no fingernails, wrists, knuckles, neck muscles/arteries ect ect, the little stuff that makes them lifelike, Ive never used robert's male body mod, but it does most likely work like every other oblivion body mod out there, a texture file and a mesh file, each containing nif and dds files, here are my suggestions: first, give Robert's Male another go, if something went wrong its probably because it didnt install correctly, how did you install this? if manualy you should just drag the folders labeled textures and meshes into the Data folder in oblivions install directory, this SHOULD sort it properly, but if not, then that may well be the problem, if you used an OMOD, check it over carefully, if the icon is read, there is a compatability alert, and the mod will unlikely work, thirdly, NEVER EVER use an EXE install, they do NOT work. at all. but most of all, check you have the prerequisite items for this, and above all, the latest patch, 1.2.4 for oblivion, available here and from Bethesda for free, I'll check back here soon after checking out what might have gone wrong over on Robert's v4 topic

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ok, I searched the sight and a few others and I couldnt even find this, first and foremost above all my advice I'd recomend looking for a newer version, from what I could tell, v4 isnt the new version, and thus will have many more bugs and glitches, aswell as potentialy fatal errors
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Install the stock armor replacers. Search Senchan's profile.



Edit: v4 is not buggy. That sounds really strange. Body replacers tend to be reshaped with upgrades. New versions are just that, new versions, not bug fixes. Again, talking about a body replacer here...


1) Latest patch

2) BSA Redirection set in OBMM

3) Install the stock replacers


I'm tired of hearing inaccurate portrayals of mods' design... It was funny with the absurdity of some of the things I read yesterday, but that statement is just wrong. The bodies missing does not sound like a problem with a body replacer at all. FYI: The latest version is a beta, but it works too. V3 of Robert's male body works too. There are many users using those three versions because they like the look of one or the other better.

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This is it. Now, in OBMM it is saying access to path male is denied. I am so mad! It also will not let me close it.






Drake Dragon Race.esp

VK's gender attributes and beast powers.esp



Vampire Alchemy V1.1.esp


Larger Ogres and Trolls etc.esp



Drokk's Vampire Mod.esp

Armored Masks.esp

Buy Mythic Dawn bound armor.esp





1Water elf.esp


Ring of console.esp

Blackpowder_bombs v04.esp

Necromancer Shop.esp



ZOMBIES! - 28 days and a bit V2.esp

Slof's Claws.esp

Oblivion Weight Limit x20000.esp

Slof's Oblivion Better Beasts.esp

Curse of Hircine - Werewolf Hunters.esp

Better Cities CHORROL - Werewolf.esp

Better Cities BRUMA - Werewolf.esp



ZOMBIES! - Interior barricades chorrol.esp



Academy 1.02.esp


Cheat & Fun Spells.esp

Slof's Snow Leopard Race.esp















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Are you running on Vista or Win7 with Oblivion installed to the default folder? If so, you probably have a number of problems with your setup.


Installing Oblivion - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/install

Oblivion Mod Manager - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/prep/obmm

OMOD Installation - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/installmods/obmm-installation

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