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Permanent Injury; help please?


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Hey guys


I'd like to Roleplay a normal none-combatant in one of my games. Thing is; making an 'honest' living living (such as carrying messages, doing none-combat quests, ect) is hard to stick to when no matter how many mods you have you are only one picked up shotgun away from slaughtering a gang of raiders.


I'd like a reason backed up by gameplay to stay in cities. To only travel with trade caravans. A reason for my civi character not to take up the immensly profitable scavanging and hunting. Thing is, it has to be enforced by gameplay. I'm terrible at sticking to an idea if gameplay doesn't seem to reflect it.


As such...


Would it be possible, and would anyone be willing, to make a small mod that PERMENANTLY cripples the PCs right arm? That way movement speed would not be effected, yet wielding a gun would be incredibly innaccurate.


It could be toggle-able through a menu. It could just be a script that I turn on and off with FOMM. I'd be happy either way; and incredibly greatful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys


I'd like to Roleplay a normal none-combatant in one of my games. Thing is; making an 'honest' living living (such as carrying messages, doing none-combat quests, ect) is hard to stick to when no matter how many mods you have you are only one picked up shotgun away from slaughtering a gang of raiders.


I'd like a reason backed up by gameplay to stay in cities. To only travel with trade caravans. A reason for my civi character not to take up the immensly profitable scavanging and hunting. Thing is, it has to be enforced by gameplay. I'm terrible at sticking to an idea if gameplay doesn't seem to reflect it.


As such...


Would it be possible, and would anyone be willing, to make a small mod that PERMENANTLY cripples the PCs right arm? That way movement speed would not be effected, yet wielding a gun would be incredibly innaccurate.


It could be toggle-able through a menu. It could just be a script that I turn on and off with FOMM. I'd be happy either way; and incredibly greatful.


Just getting around to giving advise where I can for posts made over the past couple weeks.


Look into FWE. Its configurable so that you don't really have to use any of its gameplay mechanics really, but the triage system bares particular note. When you're crippled you have to use a medical brace and stimpack to heal the limb, else it stays broken even when sleeping. All you'd have to do would be to avoid going to the doctor and avoid fixing that limb. It could do for the meantime and who knows, you might even enjoy some other features in FWE as its an incredible mod.

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I would say that FWE is the perfect RP mod. like neverclock said the injury system is changes so much it would be easy to stay crippled if you dont have enough money/ supplies. since i downloaded FWE it has made me play the game much more carefully and has added in more options to turn it into a more real RP game. FWE FTW!
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I would say that FWE is the perfect RP mod. like neverclock said the injury system is changes so much it would be easy to stay crippled if you dont have enough money/ supplies. since i downloaded FWE it has made me play the game much more carefully and has added in more options to turn it into a more real RP game. FWE FTW!

As a warning: Yes, it has cool stuff, but it's also REAL buggy. Just as a friendly warning.

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I would say that FWE is the perfect RP mod. like neverclock said the injury system is changes so much it would be easy to stay crippled if you dont have enough money/ supplies. since i downloaded FWE it has made me play the game much more carefully and has added in more options to turn it into a more real RP game. FWE FTW!

As a warning: Yes, it has cool stuff, but it's also REAL buggy. Just as a friendly warning.


I've never had an issue with FWE. FOOK2 was buggy. I guess I've noticed a couple things but they are easily solved. But a proper load order and basic knowledge of how to use FO3Edit and my game is as stable as its ever been.

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:unsure: Maybe it's just when you run it with FOOK2, like I did.


Thats probably more likely. I find the effort of FOIP commendable in trying to get those two mods to work together, but FOOK2 is way too hodge podge for that to ever really happen.

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