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Issue with starting a new game.


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I've recently started a new playthrough, and when I start the game, the carriages are flailing about and it seems as if I was the Imperial Soldier driving the cart.


This is the papyrus log: http://pastebin.com/PLQDADZR


I have no idea how to post my load order with MO.


Oh, and I don't know how to use LOOT, and I doubt it actually works.


Edit: It seems the papyrus log is full of all of the same error, and it has something to do with iHud.


Edit: Apparently, I had a few conflicts in my load order. I fixed those, so now all I need to do is make Skyrim run at fullscreen instead of in the windowed mode it is now running in.

Edited by keizerdoc
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Run the default launcher , you can switch to full screen.


YOur log looked like 100 Scripts were fighting each other Ihud finally looks to have finished,



  1. [RND_SkyUIMCMScript <RNDConfigQuest (1306B571)>] INITIALIZED
  2. [08/29/2014 - 09:35:14PM] DLC1: DLC1 Initialization quest done.
  3. [08/29/2014 - 09:35:14PM] [iHUDSkyUIConfigMenuScript <iHUDConfigQuest (1B005E3D)>] INITIALIZED <<<<<<<<<<<<<
  4. [08/29/2014 - 09:35:14PM] [RND_SkyUIMCMScript <RNDConfigQuest (1306B571)>]: Registered Realistic Needs at MCM.
  5. [08/29/2014 - 09:35:16PM] [lih_configmenu <LIH_ConfigMenuInstance (1C000820)>]: Registered Less Intrusive HUD at MCM.
  6. [08/29/2014 - 09:35:17PM] [iHUDSkyUIConfigMenuScript <iHUDConfigQuest (1B005E3D)>]: Registered Immersive HUD at MCM.


Best practice...Start tutorial with no mods running, once in the outside world, Save and start adding mods ...one at a time! when you see that one mod can take 1 min to 5 mins to actually fully load itself, you will wonder how 50 or 100 mods can actually initialize all at the same time.


Yes LOOT works...

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Run the default launcher , you can switch to full screen.


YOur log looked like 100 Scripts were fighting each other Ihud finally looks to have finished,



  1. [RND_SkyUIMCMScript <RNDConfigQuest (1306B571)>] INITIALIZED
  2. [08/29/2014 - 09:35:14PM] DLC1: DLC1 Initialization quest done.
  3. [08/29/2014 - 09:35:14PM] [iHUDSkyUIConfigMenuScript <iHUDConfigQuest (1B005E3D)>] INITIALIZED <<<<<<<<<<<<<
  4. [08/29/2014 - 09:35:14PM] [RND_SkyUIMCMScript <RNDConfigQuest (1306B571)>]: Registered Realistic Needs at MCM.
  5. [08/29/2014 - 09:35:16PM] [lih_configmenu <LIH_ConfigMenuInstance (1C000820)>]: Registered Less Intrusive HUD at MCM.
  6. [08/29/2014 - 09:35:17PM] [iHUDSkyUIConfigMenuScript <iHUDConfigQuest (1B005E3D)>]: Registered Immersive HUD at MCM.


Best practice...Start tutorial with no mods running, once in the outside world, Save and start adding mods ...one at a time! when you see that one mod can take 1 min to 5 mins to actually fully load itself, you will wonder how 50 or 100 mods can actually initialize all at the same time.


Yes LOOT works...



Some of the mods require me to have it at the start of the game, so your suggestion is not possible.


Wait, LOOT actually works? How? It never runs at all, from my experience.


And I've done that. It still runs in a window.

Edited by keizerdoc
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Disable all your plugins when starting a new game, make a save right after you step off the cart and right before you get called forward and get to change your appearance. Then exit the game, enable your mods and voila whenever you want to start a new playthrough just load that clean save game.


Theres like tons mods that can cause this glitch so this is really the most convenient way.

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Some of the mods require me to have it at the start of the game, so your suggestion is not possible.


The entire Intro is a script. all mods can do is get in the way!! The game starts after the intro! I have a save at the exit to the cave. after the Quest "Unbound " is completed. I added 257 mods at that point and i do not have crashes. all mods work and i play 6 -8 hour sessions....current play-thru is Level 27 @ 80 hours game time.


Install LOOT 0.7.0 latest Alpha works good. (only found on Bethesda forums) otherwise install LOOT 0.5.0 as .0.6 has a problem if your IE is not up to date. once LOOT is installed run it and copy the LOG. Paste that in a spoiler tag.




C:\Users\ [your user name] \AppData\Local\Skyrim <<in that folder is a file called > "loadorder.txt" paste that in Spoiler tags. IF you are using MO (mod Orginizer) loadorder.txt is in your profile folders.

Edited by camaro_69_327
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