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Strange CTD glitch encountered

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Not a game breaker, but here it is-


I'm early in a new game, getting Silver's caps for Moriarty. I can do that just fine, but no matter how I resolve that optional quest the game crashes every time I return to Megaton. However if I ignore that part then I can get back in just fine.


I'm using FOSE and several other mods, but none that effect Moriarty, Silver or their locations.

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The only mods I have in Megaton are one that puts a shoulder bag outside your home, several that add weapons and armor to Moira's inventory, and Jake's survival shop. I did deactivate survival shop but that wasn't the problem. I have no mods that effect Moriarty or Silver, and can't see why it crashes only on this specific quest item and only with Megaton.
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The only mods I have in Megaton are one that puts a shoulder bag outside your home, several that add weapons and armor to Moira's inventory, and Jake's survival shop. I did deactivate survival shop but that wasn't the problem. I have no mods that effect Moriarty or Silver, and can't see why it crashes only on this specific quest item and only with Megaton.

so you haven't tried deactivating them anyways


consider changing your stand on this issue.

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Why would a mod effect Megaton and this specific quest item? I have a lot of mods and would rather not deactivate if I don't have to.

well you have basic evidence


1 - doesn't happen in the regular game


2 - you are using mods


3 - unless you are cursed by witches - its one of your mods

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Well here's my list, tell me if you see any that conflict so I can know what to deactivate



AAArmoury.esp - Andragorn's Apocalyptic Armoury (underground shop near Vault 101)

Achievements for All.esp - saves achievements for windows live while using FOSE

bertivird.esp - great personal vertibird mod

BetterRegulatorDuster30.esp - makes the duster better

Blackwolf Backpack - Blank's Container Patch.esp - backpack mod with patch that lets you drop and use as a container

blanket.esp - portable blanket for sleeping

Camo Uniforms Remix.esp - adds some camo uniforms to Moira and Bannon

CivilDefenseBroadcastSystem.esp - great radio station

dblbarrel_shotguns.esp - adds new shotgun to Seagrave Holmes

DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm - DC Interiors mod

DK_BulletTime.esp - excellent bullet time mod

Down'n'Dirty.esp - adds dirt to your character appearance

Dragonskin Tactical Outfit.esp - camo mod, adding to Moira, Flak and Shrapnel, Crow, and Durga

DragonskinBonusPack.esp - same as above

EnclaveCommander-Steel.esm - Enclave commander mod

Essential Caravan Merchants.esp - self explanatory

FNNCampingGear.esp - adds camping gear to Super Duper Mart

Follower Amata ULTIMATE.esp - makes Amata a follower

H&K_M8_redlineC64.esp - adds M8 to Citadel armory

HZ_M249.esp - adds M249 near Andale

Jakes Survival Shop 1-2.esp - adds shop to Megaton (already tried deactivating it without success)

kikaiEquipment.esp - adds shop west of Megaton

LeverShotgunBasic.esp - adds lever action shotty to Sprinvale School

levershotgunMerchantNPC.esp - adds above to Moira and Flak and Shrapnel

M16A4.esp - adds M16 in front of Megaton

M1903_rifle.esp - adds M1903 to Seagrave Holmes

MaintenanceShed.esp - adds shed/player house to Springvale water tower

mantles_designs.esp - adds capes

mantles_for_everyone.esp - more capes

mazas_campfire.esp - portable camp fire

Merged_RC_Sunglasses-Joes_v1.0.esp - combines two mod vendors at Rivet City

Mini Uzi Suppressed.esp - adds uzi to Tenpenny Tower

PersonalVertibird.esp - another vertibird mod

play_as_amata.esp - adds Amata face in creation screen

Shoulder Satchel Bag.esp - adds bag outside Megaton house

Slam MP5.esp - adds MP5s to Greyditch

Spawn-O-Matic.esm - adds enemy spawner to inventory

Sprint Mod.esp - adds sprint ability to use with action points

SShop.esp - adds more weapons and armor. I forget where but it's not Megaton

SteinerCombatGear.esp - new vendor at Rivet City

Tactical Vest CIRAS.esp - vest added to Moira, Gustavo and Bannon

Tailor Maid Black Retex.esp, Tailor Maid Brokensteel.esp, Tailor Maid.esp - Tailor Maid mod

VltorSBR.esp - adds new rifle to Moira

Wasteland and Bog Outfits.esp - clothing added to Rivet City

Wearable Backpack.esp - backpack added to Moira

whistle_ENG.esp - whistle to call Dogmeat

ZL-MP5 Pack.esp - adds MP5s to Germantown

ZL-SVD.esp - added to Arkansas's hideout



All great mods, none should be effecting Moriarty or Silver. Just tell me what to remove if you know.

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