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Orazamar Dragon


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I've spent all night trying to find where to stand to get this stupid dragon to appear, who in their right mind would ever find those plates by accident :wacko: I love a good puzzle, but this was something else, still at least I've done it :biggrin: for it's size it was tougher than I was expecting, when I first saw it I thought 'Awakening' this will be a piece of cake, it didn't quite go that way first time round :no:
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I just found out about this dragon yesterday on the bioware site. I never knew it even existed.
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Same here I read about it a couple of days ago and as I was getting close to going to Orzamar I thought RIGHT I'm getting it this time :laugh: I always wondered about that plate when you first go in the palace, but as none of the other plates made a noise I just pushed it out of my mind and didn't go searching for any others.


I only found the secret rooms in the forest ruins by accident on Friday/Saturday not sure which, honestly I felt such a twit all those play throughs and never once did they show up in previous games no wonder I never completed the quest to get all the letters.

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The dragon is in the palace throne room, and you have to get it before returning from the deep roads with the paragon (Branka or Caridin's crown). In the main room there is a square tile that when stepped on makes a clunking sound. Put your party on hold and place one there. Then take another one into the throne room itself and head to the first alcove on the left side where there are 2 panels on the floor pointing to it like an arrow head. Place that player there. Then take the third one to the opposing tile by that same alcove. You will know you have the right ones by the same clunking sound. Finally, take yourself to the throne. You will notice the little eye icon, activate it and the dragon will appear. The throne room doors close, but the person outside willl be in the throne room. Once the dragon appears you have a fight. The two-handed sword Ageless is the main drop, sometimes alone and sometimes with other items. This has some very nice attributes to it, and very handy with Oghren in the deep roads.
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Don't tell us :laugh: it's more fun figuring out for yourself, unless you get hopelessly stuck which I didn't but even so a whole evening given over to running round the palace over various floor patterns listening for clunks and clicks did get a bit boring, I was really chuffed when I figured it out.
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Don't tell us :laugh: it's more fun figuring out for yourself, unless you get hopelessly stuck which I didn't but even so a whole evening given over to running round the palace over various floor patterns listening for clunks and clicks did get a bit boring, I was really chuffed when I figured it out.


Sorry, just trying to help it out. :whistling: It actually is tough to get the first time. I was with my first dwarf noble and went around the room looking at everything to see what was different from the origin to the Paragon of Her Kind quest. I kept hearing the clunking wondering wtf?

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My problem was I got fixated on the floor patterns so was going round looking for matching ones and getting people to get on and off them just in case there was an order to them, to get the sound, then I would get lost and forget where I'd been and hadn't been and it was easier to reload the last save than keep running round like a chicken with it's head cut off. I went off for a coffee break and a think, when it dawned on me that it wasn't logical for the plates to be far from the throne room, unless I was expected to fight the thing on my own... der that was when I went into the overhead camera and started looking for anything that didn't look right in and just off the throne room.


That was all I managed to do last night, but it was worth it, I do love the puzzles and solving them without cheating, even if you do set yourself on fire with some of them :laugh:

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My problem was I got fixated on the floor patterns so was going round looking for matching ones and getting people to get on and off them just in case there was an order to them, to get the sound, then I would get lost and forget where I'd been and hadn't been and it was easier to reload the last save than keep running round like a chicken with it's head cut off. I went off for a coffee break and a think, when it dawned on me that it wasn't logical for the plates to be far from the throne room, unless I was expected to fight the thing on my own... der that was when I went into the overhead camera and started looking for anything that didn't look right in and just off the throne room.


That was all I managed to do last night, but it was worth it, I do love the puzzles and solving them without cheating, even if you do set yourself on fire with some of them :laugh:


For me the first time I was not expecting the dragon. I just wanted to figure out a puzzle because the clunking had to mean something. Once I figured out the throne part, I touched it and got killed. :wacko:

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I knew there was a dragon from reading there was one there. If I had found this before playing Awakening I would have approached the fight a little differently not knowing how strong or weak it might be, but as soon as I saw it I thought it looked the same as the dragons in the mines in Awakening and figured this would be as easy to kill, especially as there was only the one, but not so it only breathed on Morrigan once and she dropped dead, same with the dog and then Zev. I couldn't believe how quickly they were going down. I was better prepared the second time.
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