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Blender 2.5 and Nif files

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I am having trouble installinf the nif file or python into the new Blender anyone know how. I have Vista 64 and installed it long ago and forgot need help
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My bet is that used the latest versions you could find on the sites rather than using a package that's known to work? (typing blender at fo3nexus or tesnexus will provide an easy working combo-package)

Python 2.6.4 and Blender 2.49b are the last working known to work with the latest nifscripts (2.5.4) and PyFFI (2.1.4)

I heard not use the 64bit type of the programs either, nifscripts doesn't support them.

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You can run Blender on Vista or Win7 64-bit but they cannot be the 64-bit versions until all components used are 64-bit. Although Blender and Python have 64-bit versions, there currently is not a 64-bit version of NIF Scripts which means all of it needs to be 32-bit for them to work together.


A NIF exporter will not be ready for Blender 2.5 until some time after 2.5 has been released as a stable edition.


Here is the Blender package on TESNexus. There is an experimental 2.49b version that I am using on Win7 64-bit and having no problems at all with it.



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