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race gone


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Hi, ok this is kinda embarrassing but it seems like I lost a race, my character (with a few hundred game time) can't be loaded anymore, everytime i try to load the save my game crashes midways.

And if i try to start a new game my custom race which my char ueses isn't there anymore and i don't know why, i can't remember installing any new mods which would overwrite it... so is there a way to save my char? Is it possible to change the race trough a savegame editor (if something like that exists) to something like imperial so i can at least load the saves?


thanks in advance

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showracemenu.....this is the console command.

Using this menu will reset all of your skills to their default initial settings. (If you edit your race, instead of clicking "done" when you are done, leave the race menu open with the console up and save your game. When you reload it your race/looks will be changed like you wanted them to be and your skills will not be reset.) Using this command while wearing bound items may crash the game.


If you dont know about console commands and how to access them visit this page.


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its not realy a corrupt savegame, it won't load because the race of my char isn't there anymore for whatever reason, none of the 400+ saves i got for the character work anymore..... my poor poor little hero... is he gone forever?
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Try moving the esp for your characters race to the very last position on your load order.With the esp's for the mods it uses for body type and cosmetics just ahead of it.
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Well that is the tricky part... when i said i lost it i litaraly lost it, i don't remember anymore how i called that .esp file and with around 200 mods wel you see it could take a while to try everyone of them. is there no way to edit a savegame?
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