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[REQz] Hooksword Weapons


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There are a lot of Mods for Oblivion out there but i can not find a mod that inputs hookswords... I would really appreciate somone making a pair of dualweildable Hookswords...I have OBSE and OBMM. pls and thanks^^!!






BTW:the weapons do not have to be Black those were just good pics of them...Im not very creative I just know that i like hookswords so maybe if someone decides to make these for me(would be greatly appreciated) we could brainstorm some ideas on how they could look^^.

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Are you talking about these? It would behoove you to include as much detail about your request as possible. Spending a few minutes clarifying what you want and doing the up-front leg work for a potential modeler can make all the difference if your mod is considered or not.


If you have a very specific weapon in mind, try to find multiple images with different angles to help the modeler get a feel for the thickness as well as being able to provide a better texture for all sides.



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Yeah those are what I was looking for thx for telling me sorry for not putting enough detail its my first Request not really sure what modders want but i will find and upload some better pics with diff angles thx for the tip^^
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I modified your title and sub-title so it is more clear and apparent what you are wanting without anyone having to click on the post to know that you want new models + textures of hooksword weapons.


A modder browsing the request threads might skip over something that says "a weapon request" but may be keenly interested in hookswords as a fancy idea. Its never a good thing to unnecessarily hide details that can be conveyed in the title. (Marketing 101)


Also, you might want to edit your first post and insert the images there so people do not have to read through the entire thread to know the key points of information. Always keep the 1st post clear and concise and include any new-found information discovered later on in the thread. Chances are, most people won't read all the posts...just the 1st couple of sentences and pictures if there are any.



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Looks super easy to make, I'm making a list of weapons to make at the moment for once I begin modding again, if you want I'll add these to my list (It may be a while before I'm modding but these looks super easy to make :)
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Looks super easy to make, I'm making a list of weapons to make at the moment for once I begin modding again, if you want I'll add these to my list (It may be a while before I'm modding but these looks super easy to make :)

Woohoo thx alot!!!! im glad someone is ganna make them they are really cool effective weapons!!! thx!

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Looky...I happen to have found a Blender model on my hard drive! Imagine that!




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Wow they look really good!!! but i do have one question? is it possible to Have the handle wrap to be green?its my favorite color^^ THANK YOU SO MUCH AH!!!!!!!!!!can you make them stronger than deadric so i can use them in Game and not have to change weps?sorry if i seem ungrateful...
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