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Legal stuff question


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Ok I am little confused when it comes to legal stuff. I made a mod using mesh from KOTN, and some people are teling me that i did something wrong, and that i can do only retextures. Can one of the moderators/admins tell me is this ok or not. i thought its ok because i saw a lot of mods with meshes and textures from Oblivion KOTN and SI.



here is the mod:




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The official answer.

Any mod that uses anything - even if retextured, that exclusively comes from a particular DLC (such as KOTN) must require that DLC to be installed to work.


If you want something that does not require the DLC, you must remake it from scratch. And it's a good idea to make it not quite exactly like the original ans say so in your description to keep the ripped reports down.

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