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ADHD proof Blender tutorial


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Hi everybody ;D

I've been trying to learn Blender for the past month, and have reopened the blender: from nood to pro tutorial like 3 times a day, but everytime I get past the first 5 line, my ADD/ADHD (we're not sure which one yet) kicks in, and I think something like OHH SQUIREL! And then I get the "best idea of the century", and go drawing or playing guitar ;/ - I just can't read the boring, boring BORING tutorial without going squirel :mellow:

So I was wondering if there's a tutorial that's ADHD proof, like the cs wiki that gets you to do stuff and not read like 5 pages before you even open blender, but makes you learn as you do ;/ I really want to learn blender, and I promise that once I learn it you'll get any custom armor/creature/whatever you want

If there isn't such a tutorial, could someone please add me on msn and teach me as my mentor?

OH SQUIRELL !! :ninja:

*thanks for reading and happy modding ;D *

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I'll teach you but I cant make armors or creatures seeing as that is probably the hardest things to model but I can make decent swords ! And as you saw some various strange meshes ? You saw that hatchet I made ? I'll create a tutorial on how to make that for you
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  • 2 weeks later...

Your best bet would probably be The Alliance Enclave (A modding school). :)


Modeling Session 1

Modeling Session 2


The Enclave also has many other great sessions for almost anything, as well as other classes where you can learn stuff. :D


I highly recommend this. I have ADHD and have found the tutorials and people at TES Alliance to be very engaging. I have had very few bouts of OLAC (Oh Look! A Chicken!) while going through their tutorials.

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but everytime I get past the first 5 line, my ADD/ADHD (we're not sure which one yet) kicks in, and I think something like OHH SQUIREL!

That's why I medicate my children...so they can focus. :thumbsup:

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but everytime I get past the first 5 line, my ADD/ADHD (we're not sure which one yet) kicks in, and I think something like OHH SQUIREL!

That's why I medicate my children...so they can focus. :thumbsup:

Lol... Im not responding to any medicine tried so far xD

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Lol... Im not responding to any medicine tried so far xD

It took about a month to get the right dosage for my son but it made a world of difference at school. He was about to get kicked out and sent back a grade and we (as parents) figured it was because he was simply too smart and bored with the materials. Well, he is quite smart but the only subjects that held his attention for any length of time was the very few that was most interesting to him. After about a month, the teachers could not believe that is was the same boy that turned around from being the "problem child" to being the example student.


Hopefully, he we be able to form good study and focus habits and will be able to get off the medication when he reaches his teenage years but it is all speculation at this point.



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