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Bound Armour - new meshes?


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Okay so I had this idea yesterday and spent about an hour looking through the CS for a way to do it. The idea is simple: multiple bound armour type spells but each one is a seperate set. Example: a Bound Leather Armour set. Now I know this has to be possible, since the Mythic Dawn Bound armour is completely differant to the standard, which is Daedric by any other name.


My question is: where in the CS do I need to go to do this? Or is it all in scripting, in which case I may need some help (since I'm an accountant not a computer genius). :whistling:

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I'm not very experienced with this, but I'll try to help. In the CS, you'll want to go to Magic>Spell, and create a new spell. for the effect item, choose script effect and you'll have to create one. You could try something like this


scriptName BoundEbonyArmor
ref tempRef
Begin ScriptEffectStart
set tempRef to player
         tempref.additem EbonyBoots 1
         tempref.additem EbonyGreaves 1
         tempref.additem EbonyCuirass 1
         tempref.additem EbonyGauntlets 1
         tempref.equipitem EbonyBoots
         tempref.equipitem EbonyCuirass 
         tempref.equipitem EbonyGauntlets 
         tempref.equipitem EbonyGreaves 
Begin ScriptEffectFinish
set tempRef to player
         tempref.unequipitem EbonyBoots
         tempref.unequipitem EbonyCuirass 
         tempref.unequipitem EbonyGauntlets 
         tempref.unequipitem EbonyGreaves 
         tempref.removeitem EbonyBoots 1
         tempref.removeitem EbonyCuirass 1
         tempref.removeitem EbonyGauntlets 1
         tempref.removeitem EbonyGreaves 1


It's probably not good to do that all without any delays, and I guess you could probably just use player.additem instead. I'm a noob but whatever, good luck!

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Okay so after a bit of work last night I kind of got part of what I was hoping for: a new spell with a script that summons a complete set of armour. Downside was that it was all the standard Bound Armour and not the stuff I was originally after. Still, this is a minor success (I used the script you gave me above and tried tweaking the references a little) so I must thank you for that.


Did a little more digging around on the CS Wiki, and found an interesting tutorial on creating a ring/item that when equipped summoned a set of armour on the player/user. Which, after linking the items, worked. This is also a great win for me, since my scripting skills have gone from non-existent to copy/paste :tongue: Just need to add enchantments to the items and I'm practically done.


So all I need to do is transfer/change the script into a spell and see what happens. That may I may need some help with.

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i've scripted something like that in a mod i am making, the only problem is that if you try to use multiple summon spells the new armor summond is just put into your inventory, apart from that it worked fairly well.

the thing that i want to know is how to disable certain spells from being cast after the spell is cast? eg like the bound armor spell.

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To avoid the problem of something else (like bound armor) from messing up how your armor spell works, you might be able to get around that issue by attaching a script to each piece of armor that checks for the unequip scenario and then removes itself from inventory.



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Ya you can add custom bounded armors to your game without scripting using tescontruction set. I learned how to do it from this youtube tutorial.



its a pretty easy method


interesting but i don't like messing around with the game settings and prefur to create new stuff coz its more compatible with more things (eg other mods, patches ect) some of the extra bound effects are used by things in the official expansion packs.

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