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Boat accident. And a lot of oil


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So how exactly have things been downplayed? It's been all over the news media since it happened. Various solutions have been applied in order to attempt to temporarily stem the leak. It's not exactly easy to work at that kind of depth, the wells in the Gulf of Mexico being in waters several times the depth of anything in the North Sea. The only real and long term solution will be when the two relief wells are drilled, and you just can't do that in a couple of days. As far as I can see that has always been the intention.
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So how exactly have things been downplayed? It's been all over the news media since it happened. Various solutions have been applied in order to attempt to temporarily stem the leak. It's not exactly easy to work at that kind of depth, the wells in the Gulf of Mexico being in waters several times the depth of anything in the North Sea. The only real and long term solution will be when the two relief wells are drilled, and you just can't do that in a couple of days. As far as I can see that has always been the intention.


Perhaps you start with the the official statements by BP in the beginning und compare these with the later ones.

Is it really so difficult to follow a presented reasoning line and the shifts therein? Guess so.

Probably a few more catastrophes are necessary to initiate a learning process...

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There's no need to be rude. I have a first class honours degree in Law so I know a fair amount about following evidence and arguments. I have also worked in the murky world of commerce for a number of years, as well as spending some time as a political activist. In that time I have had any degree of naivete that I might once have possessed thoroughly punctured. First of all, if you expect "The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" to be what routinely issues from the mouth of either a politician OR a successful international business magnate, then you are destined to be sorely disappointed. Scratch the surface and a dodgy deal here and there will always pop up. Second, BP were dealing with a fluid situation and under pressure to say and do something in a hurry. In such a situation, and remember that the working conditions are exceptionally difficult, there were bound to be foul ups and contradictions and running around like headless chickens.


None of this is to excuse the fact that BP will need to answer to the courts and hence to the world at large for this disaster, but let's have Halliburton and Transocean up there with them.

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I'm not rude, but fair. Is that a problem? The facts are given and I didn't expect a classical watering down in the matter - the news amnesia - here!


NB Regarding your qualification, I hold a Dr. rer. nat., guess you know what it means. But who cares what we are in the real world as long as that what we have to say in the virtual one has almost no impact on anything that is real? Nobody...


Good day!

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Well at least Mr Cameron, the British Prime Minister, was quite robust at his meeting with President Obama concerning the whole affair. There can be very few people who disagree with the premise that BP should make reparations for the damage they have caused at the same time as resolving the leak. I have been consistent in my views that they should. As Mr Cameron pointed out, BP ARE already paying out, and handsomely, to the extent that some of the locals in Louisiana are now making much more out of BP than they did out of their businesses. BP should answer before a court. But this witch hunt is just pointless. How exactly do you maintain that everything has been watered down? The whole thing has been played out in the full glare of publicity. In the first instance, the true extent of the leak and the correct way to try and temporarily stem it, pending the drilling of the relief wells, was just not a finite entity. Has it ever occurred to you that the information coming from the crews on the ground might have constantly shifted, hence what was given out publicly has too?
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This whole stuff makes me angry. All the people out there invent stuff and noone needs it. They invent I dunno the newest computers, cars and all that stuff but they can't find a real Sollution for this problem. It's just sad to see how helpless humanity really is when it comes to a real problem.
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But there IS a solution for the problem. Long term, it was always going to be drilling the relief wells. Short term, various solutions had to be tried until one was found that was effective. Things don't always go right first time in anything in this life.
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That's why I think the only real solution for our energy concerns, involves space travel. I'm willing to bet there's billions extraterrestrial bodies out there full of minerals that we need, like zinc, iron, or copper. And I'm willing to bet that there's billions more with unknown sources of energy that are waiting to be discovered. I think humanity should be smart enough at this point in our existence, to realize that the resources we have on earth, should be used to find more outside of this planet.
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