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What are these things in Springvale?


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Hi, I just recently bought and installed Fallout 3 Game of the Year edition on my PC after playing Fallout 3 on my xbox. Can some one tell me what these things are and how i might get rid of them. They are in an abandoned house in Springvale and while they don't really bother me, I am afraid that they may be a precursor to my game crashing or something. If you need my specs, they are:


Video Card: BFG Geforce 9800 1gb

Processor: Intel Core Quad Q8300 2.50GHz

Ram: 8gb

OS: Windows 7 64bit


Thanks for any help. Let me know if this is in the wrong forum.

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those are "missing meshes"


some mod is not installed correctly


or your game itself has a problem in its installation



BTW - Win7 - make certain you are not installed into the default directory.

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those are "missing meshes"


some mod is not installed correctly


or your game itself has a problem in its installation



BTW - Win7 - make certain you are not installed into the default directory.


Thankyou, I am going to check that out. I am going with Game itself having issue becuase it did it from the getgo (pre mod installs). :thumbsup:


Umm what is the problem with it being in the default directory cause I think that is where it is. :whistling:

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hello friend


if you had these missing/invalid mesh errors pre-mod installation, i would immediately assume you had an faulty -initial- installation of the retail game, perhaps the cd/dvd drive had a quick choke during the transfer of the mesh.bsa, or perhaps an unrelated OS issue such as a bsod while in-game, or simply when using windows regularly while the hard disk was "thinking/active" could have done it, sometimes that can be the case although rare for the most part


just give it an good old re-install and you should be good to go, if problem still persists, perhaps the installation disc itself is damaged or defective (extremely rare)


good luck :]

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