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Fallout 3 Issue/Glitch - Can't shoot enemies and can't open doors


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Hello, I modded my Fallout 3 on an old computer a while back, so I had some experience modding, but this time around I built my own computer and started modding again. I followed Gopher'sVids tutorials to refresh my memory, and after that I went on the nexus and installed some mods that I found. My game seems to be very stable, no stutter or anything, however sometimes for some reason, the game glitches and I can't shoot enemies, literally, my bullets go through them. I can target enemies in VATS but still the bullets go through. Enemies can still attack me. Also I don't know if this happened at the same time but I was near megaton (I had started a new character) and I could just walk through the door, I couldn't interact with anyone or anything. This happened to me twice yesterday and the only way that seems to fix it it restarting the game, which kind of irritates me. Any help would be appreciated, Thank you!


Load Order:


(I am not exactly sure how to copy load order into text so if anyone could help me with that I will post it)

Edited by kmang123
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Since you are using the Blackened FWE-MMM-EVE-Project Beauty patch, you do not need the individual patches that you have installed.


You do not need MMM-Master Menu Module, it is part of Blackened.


All the mods you don't have active, delete them. If the file is in the "Data" folder, it is loaded into memory.



Rearrange your FWE and Fellout plugins so that they are in the same order as the vanilla game.


As for your problem with hot having any interaction in the game, I would look to the Groovatron as the cause.


From the istallation instructions for the Groovatron: 1. Disable F3umpaAnimation.esp, SomePoses.esp, PairPoses.esp, ObjectPoses.esp, and ActionPoses.esp

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Since you are using the Blackened FWE-MMM-EVE-Project Beauty patch, you do not need the individual patches that you have installed.


You do not need MMM-Master Menu Module, it is part of Blackened.


All the mods you don't have active, delete them. If the file is in the "Data" folder, it is loaded into memory.



Rearrange your FWE and Fellout plugins so that they are in the same order as the vanilla game.


As for your problem with hot having any interaction in the game, I would look to the Groovatron as the cause.


From the istallation instructions for the Groovatron: 1. Disable F3umpaAnimation.esp, SomePoses.esp, PairPoses.esp, ObjectPoses.esp, and ActionPoses.esp


Thank you for your help, the problem seems to have stopped. I appreciate it!

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