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Mod Request Thread


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I thopughtr of two mods


The first one, a Tornodo Mod, the houses and gates and trees etc don't have to move, but I would like to have the NPC's and anything that can be moved be thrown into the air and sent far away, and the Tornodo to be a natural distaster, not a spell (and Fire, Blizzard that actually traps you in the houses/stores etc)


And perhaps normal creatures like birds, insects, spiders etc in the game as we;ll (It's seems silly that there Wolves, Deers, Dogs, Rats and perhaps a little more real life animals in thier but not much)

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I originally posted this at the official elder scrolls forums, but evidently the one person that has replied as of now can't take the joke at the end, so i moved it here.


If you would want to be a pure-RP character, and not do any quests that seem too adventurer-esque (basically just be a traveling merchant like those idiots in Fable), or just for anybody really, i wish there was an option to sell the houses you own. For instance:

You have the Imperial City house fully upgraded. You want to buy the Chorrol house, but you only have 15k (it costs 20k if I'm not mistaken). You can sell the IC Shack fully upgraded for 5k, and now have the 20k you wanted for the better house.


Or in a related topic, being able to become a real estate manager, renting rooms, houses, commissioning to build more houses and apartments, you know, awesomely paperwork-filled stuff. And you could go to jail for being a bad landlord.


Holy crap theres more but I have to change classes now. And i'll forget it later.


K so do it gogogo :rolleyes: lmao




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Well the only reason i'm asking for a Shozoku is because i got as far as extracting the .NIF's from oblivion for the clothes i thought were best suited for modding. At that point i discovered that Blender does'nt support .NIF (why? i don't know) The best mod i've made is a custom house for my character.So i figured i would put this out there to see what happens. Thanks for the info on the katanas Vulture. Still looking for someone who will make the Shozoku.




Killer Kassil

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Me and a fellow TES4 player who have no idea how to work the CS are wondering if anyone would take up a small project to add physics to the Mysterium Xarxes. With the "Drop Quest Items" mod, the infamous book only stays put, like a paint brush. The current UOP fixes the paint brush issue, so we believe that the Xarxes can be fixed also. Please help!
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