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Mod Request Thread


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Hey, I was thinking...............


With all the new mount mods out, how come no one has made a............





I would appreciate it if someone made these and got back to me..........Thanks!!!!


PS I LOVE the new Slaughterfish mount mod...........LOL.........especially if you open the console click on it and type tcl.............it either flies(Pretty awesome looking) or it goes down to the bottom of the water(Also pretty cool)

Make sure you turn on god mode (TGM) before you do it, otherwise you could drown..........LOL

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I got an idea that would be good. Make it so you could put more poisons on your weapon instead of just one make it like three or four. If its possible.

Sounds like a good idea, but I think it's impossible.

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Please someone make a mod that:


- rebuilds several ruined forts to a moderate state, and fill them with respawnable imperial guard... maybe also caves etc...


- increase the oblivion gate radius so the daedra roam around cyrodil, so it is actually like an invasion.


- increase spawn numbers of daedra.


- have weekly scheduled spawning of small daedra warbands that attack towns/cities/forts etc... the bigger the settlement the more daedra in the warband (mostly just attack respawnable guard strongholds like garrisoned forts)... Am i the only one who thinks stumbling upon a daedra V guard skirmish and helping repel the attack would add to immersion and fun???


- make daedra hostile to everything so they kill animals, beasts, people, EVERYTHING.


- probably make most people in the world respawnable seeing as they are going to be raided and killed by daedra every week lol... i dunno something along those lines.


- imperial foresters travel in packs to take out daedra sorta like gondor rangers did to orcs.



Basically i would just like to see a mod that makes the daedra "invasion" feel like and actual invasion. An attack on a fort should feel like the one in the white stallion mod where I (personally) used companion order to bring 4 or 5 knights of ws with me to fight about 20 to 30 black b bandits... i was jumpin to the wall to take out the archers, my guys were clashing with the swordsman... it was awesome, one of few real battles in the game.

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can any one make a crown or 2? or am i the ony one who wants to look like royalty here?


and (i think i posted this here or some where else before but, eh i wont kill no one) an add on the the imp palace (why does it end at ocatos room? creepy!)


the ability to warp. (i dont know if its possible)


i wanna ride dragons and/or fellbeasts (them things the nazgul where rideing in lord of the rings) i think that one might be a tricky one.


while where on the subject of lotr can some one PLEASE make a 1-handed nazgul sword? please?


is it possible to make a spell to summon the last thing you killed? (kinda like fable)


by the way im not superman so i dont know if half these are made/cant be made/already been requested or any thing else.

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I'm looking for a custom race with a skin to match the pictures below...





The chest and upper arm tattoos aren't required, but the ones on the eyes and wrists are very important. Below are some more specifications I would like.


I use these two mods that alter face and body so this being compatible with both would be preferable...




Race Name: Son of Sithis (male only race)



Agility - 50

Endurance - 40

Intelligence - 40

Luck - 50

Personality - 30

Speed - 50

Strength - 40

Willpower - 30



Acrobatics +10

Alchemy +5

Light Armor +10

Marksman +10

Sneak +10



Night Eye (1 minute/day)

Resist Frost (Constant, Self)



A Son of Sithis is the offspring of Sithis and a mortal female, normally an Imperial. This creature is made for one purpose and that is to serve the Dark Brotherhood as an assassin. Most Sons of Sithis are killed at birth due to their unnerving appearance. Only one has lived past his first birthday and he became the Listener for nearly 200 years.


(Also it would be preferable if they did not age.)


Thanks to whoever may pick this up. :)

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