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Hey guys..im a new person here...i just read this thread and i would like to thank everyone who is/has modded this game to make it more enjoyable...


However, i would like to see a mod which disables people automatically knowin you attacked them, by this i mean the following:


Im using the Blackjack mod, and when i dong someone on the head i get a bounty of 40, even when ive been sneaking and noone saw me, i find this gets a lil annoying at times, so i was wondering if someone could disable this by any chance(sorry if it has been done and i havent seen it, theres a lot of mods here) to make it a bit more realistic..i mean if u smack someone on the head they arent gonna know u did it are they?


thanks a lot again guys..continue the good work :D

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how many people walk around with a blackjack donging people on the head i suspect it was you!!!!!!




naw i think that is a good idea!!! i just don't know how to do this.



one new idea i have is a ridable deer!! i hate how fast the deer run and i can't get on them!!

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Hi, could anyone point me to that mod that allows you to wear both armor and regular clothing? All I've managed to find was a mod that allows robes to be worn with greaves, but I'd love to be able to wear both a shirt and pants under your cuirass/greaves.

Does it exist?

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Something I posted elsewhere:


Oblivion needs an ingredients mod. One of the inspirations for this was the fact that several of the subtle changes in landscape due to region come across as similar to changes sort of like those in Morrowind.


What I want is something like this.


-Several of the plants looked/felt like they could thrive in someplace like Cyrodil. These plants are:

---Black Anther, Corkbulb, Gold Kanet, Heather, Stoneflower, and Willow Anther which could grow in the wilderness, scattered in areas around the Imperial City, and the general warm-temperate summer-like climates.

---Saltrice, Marshmerrow, and Comberry would appear in farms.

---Bungler's Bane and Hypha Facia could appear on trees near water. They wouldn't be all that common, perhaps closer to the Morrowind border, perhaps near Leyawin.

---Luminous Russula and Violet Corprinus would appear in caves, or possibly under/near trees near water.

---Green, Red, and Black Lichen should have no problem appearing in caves or dank dark places. Perhaps not red, as it seems ash-related. It wasn't all that common in Vvardenfell, doesn’t need to be in Cyrodil.


-Several ingredients are capable of being imported. The finer Alchemists may have the only supply of them, because they are so rare, and need to be imported. Animal products (that don't spoil), like Dreugh Wax, Racer Plumes, Shalk Resin and Sload Soap might appear in small (possibly rechargeable) quantities in the fine Alchemists' shops.


-The plants from Mournhold, a few of them, could appear in eastern Cyrodil.


-The plants from Solstheim, most of them, could appear in northern Cyrodil. The nords probably took their plants with them when they immigrated fron skyrim to everywhere else.


The more esoteric ingredients seem already to be in Oblivion, as they're daedra-related. Their properties have been irritatingly changed, though.


If any of these are restricted by Lore (the set-in-stone kind, not the 'we didn't feel like including it and just made up some lore to support it' kind) of course they would be left out (or moved).


What this mod would require is:


-Modeling the plants that the plant-related, growing, ingredients, come from. One for each (or two models at most), as scaling and rotation can provide adequate variety from there.


-Modeling the ingredients themselves.


-Placing the plants in the world.


-Inserting the required information into the TESCS and putting in the effects and linking the impersonal bit of effect information to the model.


I DO have a good idea how much work this would be, I have done modding. For that matter, I could also help with that last part.


A Side-Mod could also change the properties of the ingredients already present to make more sense. For instance, why doesn’t garlic hurt your personality? It sure does in real life! Onions have the same effect. The next couple of effects could be determined by natural property or not; like resistance to disease because people won't go near you (you stink!), or some mythical property like repelling vampires. Carrots have Vitamin A, which assists in vision and particularly night vision. So a magical carrot might have a secondary effect of night-eye*. And so on. I find the distribution of effects over the more mundane ingredients incredibly dumb. The magical plants are free to have freaky effects. They're magical.


Methinks this would be great for alchemists! So you have to use logic occasionally...




*They do. It's just an example.

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This is something of a dream list:


- For anyone who's seen the anime Bleach, would love to see Ichigo's sword Zangetsu or Kenpachi's Unnamed one.


- Rurona Zoro's Katanas from the anime One Piece.


- Capes that ACTUALLY FLOW using Havok engine. (I picked up the static version, didn't like it as it replaced helmet/hood armor, it needs to be a separate armor piece)


- Boomstick This mod heavily tweaked that enables working ammunition with blunderbusses/flintlocks, one shot pistols and rifles for the pirates.


- Working crossbows, slingshots and other throwable weaponry (darts, knives, ninja stars, rocks, molotov cocktails, etc etc) I think you should also be able to throw potions- negative potions do damage/attribute drains and positive ones can heal companions when they don't heal themselves.


- This is stemming off the boomstick idea but a total conversion done mad max/fallout "wasteland" style. Dunno if this would be possible as Bethesda seems to be in the process of making Fallout 3.



- I like the mounted combat idea, thought that you should at least be able to use your bow and arrows while mounted on the horse.


- Also liking the lightsaber idea, just for the fun of it.


- The battle scars one sounds cool too.

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Alright, so I have a fairly long request. If someone wants to pick this up, more power too them, I assure you, it will take some time. So I remember in Morrowind that I felt even more a part of the game world because I became a part of one of Vvardenfell's great houses. Why was this not done for Oblivion, so here is my idea. Since Cyrodiil is kind of a mix of Roman/Middle Ages style of government and that time period was all about families, here goes.


The Empire of Cyrodiil was helped in its founding by a few "great" houses.

The houses were the Colovians, the Nibens, the Jeralls, the Valuses, the Loppads, the Corbolos, the Canuluses, the Brenas, and the Strids. Some new books would be written in-game to show the involvement of these houses in the founding of the empire. The Jeralls/Valuses/Loppads would be mentioned in the taking of Skyrim and Morrowind, the Colovians/Brenas/Strids in the taking of Hammerfell and Valenwood, and the Nibens/Corbolos/Canuluses in the taking of Elsweyr and Black Marsh. Over the centuries, however, as these families grew more powerful, they began to switch to merchant efforts instead of militaristic affairs. The Jeralls began mining, making heavy armor, and silverware. The Colovians began manufacturing wine and alchemical ingredients and the Nibens began making light armor and clothing. Each of these three "great" houses was followed years/centuries later by the other "lesser" houses of their area. The Valuses followed the Jeralls in mining while the Loppads followed them in heavy armor, etc. Regardless, the main three houses are the Jeralls, the Nibens, and the Colovians. These are the houses the player can attach himself too.


Each "great" and "lesser" house has their own castle wherein resides the pater familias, mater familias (mom and pop), any sons/daughters still at home, primed to take over family business. In these castles the "great" houses should have a few retainers who conduct the business of the house and are descendants of the people they helped conquer. So the Jeralls would have Nord and Dunmer retainers. Also a few servants, one for each family member, a cook, a steward, a stablehand, etc. would be needed to complete the family. The "lesser" families would have no retainers, but still the pater and mater familias as well as some servants.

Each great and lesser family would have relatives (cousins/sons/etc) living in the local towns under their jurisdiction. Jeralls (Bruma/Cheydinhal), Colovians (Anvil/Skingrad/Chorrol), Nibens (Bravil/Leyawiin). For the "great" families there should also be a "black sheep" living in a far away city, say a Jerall living in Anvil or a Colovia living in Cheydinhal.


It is the player's responsibility, once he has chosen which house he wishes to join to round up the family and get them all on the same page. Following this, it is the player's job to outsell the "lesser" families and in other ways make them become retainers to the "great" families. Once the local upstart families are put in their place, the player could extend the reach of the house's products throughout Cyrodiil and establish them as the best in that field. Following that, the player could then wish to become the sole/main house in cyrodiil. To do this the player could buy out an opposing house through investments, or the House could being making the products of their rivals (For example the Jeralls could begin producing wine to compete with the Colovians) and eventually make the other houses become their retainers. Once this was done, the one-time castle of the House, should probably resemble more of a city. The extreme power from being the only Great House left in Cyrodiil could leave the player opportunities otherwise unavailable to him, such as a seat on the Imperial Council, or access to free goods, etc.


If anyone wants to pick this up, e-mail me at [email protected]. I have other deep ideas as well and would love to see them happen. Sadly I'm no modder.

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I'd like to see a mod that puts a radar-style mini-map in the corner of the screen. I find myself switching to the menu map far too often, and this would be extremely handy. (Maybe something like in the GTA games, where it shows the locations on the edges of the radar while they are outside of it.)
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