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A mod to allow the player to press enter at the 'Are you sure you want to sell X item?' prompt



If you are using the BT Mod, you can hit up arrow to say yes, down arrow to say no. The BT Mod maps these arrow keys to quite a few functions in the game, read the readme.


Up and down arrows? why not use something closer to the wasd set, like the spacebar. I always keep my fingers on the wasd controls, even in the menu, so moveing all the way over to the arrow keys would be somewhat of a inconvience.

That must be the laziest thing anyone has ever said. LOL. THERES LIKE 10 CMS TO THEM ;D ;D ;D ;D






Yeah, just use the mouse. Lazy, but I do keep my fingers on w and d or a, and just switch around. Why would you use the up, down, left, or right arrow keys, anyway?



Ok, here's my request. I have a hard time with meshing, texturing, and iconing(?), so if someone could make this armor, that'd be great. It's your's, since you made it, I just want something like it:

Cat armor, 5 sets, at the best defense, light and heavy versions, enchanted (with customs enchants) and non enchanted, black cat

armor - boots, greaves, cuirass, and helmet,

shield - a paw (covers left hand, very big)

weapon - a paw with retracted claws (blunt) and a paw with claws sticking out (blade), also very big, both cover right hand like shield, but not left


Any stats would be nice, and heavy sold from Varnado, light sold from Maro Rufus(mabye make the light armor white?) and the enchanted similars sold from the ones who sold the unenchanted versions (Varnado for Black cat enchanted, Maro Rufus for White cat armor), the enchanted versions are optional, unless you can create something that is scripted to turn whoever on your side if your wearing a shield, like giving the lesser power "command Khajiit" as it should command the Khajiits, since they're cats. And also a lesser power to turn whoever you cast on into a cat to aid you in battle for 1000 seconds or until you dismiss them back to their Man/Mer/Beast/Orc form. Ok, so the enchanted versions are optional, and to script the shield and weapon so the shield gives the turn cat lesser power, and the weapon gives the command khajiit lesser power. That's it. Oh yeah, name it "Cat Armor and Weapons"

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A (hopefully) minor request - the skirt that comes with the Dwarven Cuirass, could that be made into a seperate item that can be equipped instead of pants? Shorter skirts for my female elf would be nice, and maybe some nicer tops. Thanks guys.
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A mod to allow the player to press enter at the 'Are you sure you want to sell X item?' prompt



If you are using the BT Mod, you can hit up arrow to say yes, down arrow to say no. The BT Mod maps these arrow keys to quite a few functions in the game, read the readme.


Up and down arrows? why not use something closer to the wasd set, like the spacebar. I always keep my fingers on the wasd controls, even in the menu, so moveing all the way over to the arrow keys would be somewhat of a inconvience.

That must be the laziest thing anyone has ever said. LOL. THERES LIKE 10 CMS TO THEM ;D ;D ;D ;D

It's not that big of a deal, but thats the way is was in morrowind. The spacebar was interchangeable with clicking yes. I got so used to it and got so quick when going through menus, when I moved to Oblivion, it seemed slower. But yeah, im lazy :D

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Hmmm... I'd like to see a horse and carriage mod, so I could just bring all my equipment with me, as well as a place to sleep for the night inside the carriage!


Yes, I know there are saddlebag and portable bedroll mods already out there, but hey, this is what I'd like to suggest, regardless. :)

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I want a Wheat Sword mod. It should be bought in the Fighting Chance in the IMperial City, for 1 gold. It needs 99 attack, and the enchantment 'Dutch Farmer'. I don't care if the enchantment does anything, I just want this as a joke item. It should be a single-handed blade. Oh, and did I mention it needs to be made of wheat? Thanks in advance.


EDIT: Oh yeah, I'd also like a Vampire Killer mod. It's a blue whip. I don't really care about it's attack, as long as it's better than 10. I'd alos like it to be for sale in A Fighting Chance.

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Oh, ooh ooh ooh, a raquetteball raquette or a tenis raquette (don't speak French, so I don't know if I spelled raquette right or not). And also a HUGE sword that can touch the top to White Gold tower, mabye based on an Ebony Claymore, but make it incredibly light, so you can slash with fast (the speed box should say 1.0000 in the CS), but not replace the origional Ebony Claymore. It being able to reach 1000 feet, and being almost as big as white gold tower. Ignores normal weapon resistance, speed 1.0000, weight, 45.0000, value, 10000, 5 of them near the king statue in the Market District, 15 at Dive Rock. Also, a re-mesh and re-texture of Goldbrand, so it looks like it did in Morrowind, and make eltonbrand, too, 5 of them in a respawn chest near the Ebony White Claymore (The claymore being white, but is an ebony claymore, being named thus). And make the chest big, being 5 times it's origional size. And something else, too, like a blade called "Oblivion Blade" that has the rune on the DVD. There should 20 on a new type of dremora called the Dremora Commander, and put them in leveled loot lists and sell them at Smash n' Slash.
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Just a WACK thought about what would make people laugh while playing oblivion. i was reading the above thread and someone said moveable people while their alive and i thought that if you could equip someone under blunt weapons and swing them around and knock people flying but the impact doesn't kill them like if you got hit by somone weilding a person it might make you fly depending on the velocity but you probibly won't be hurt too badly. but if this couldn't be done then could a similar mod be done to corpses like but only you have to cast a paralyze spell on them first so that their corpse is stiff. before you can weild them. that would be cool!!


Hows about a spell that has timmed effects like the first effect is pralyze for ten seconds and then five seconds into that effect a calm effect for ten seconds then when the parlyze wears off then the last effect kicks in and it has two effects like drain/damage strength 1000 secs and absorb health 1pt for 1000 secs??? could this be done?? if it can be done then it would be really cool.



How about a mod that makes all animals ridable except for the obvious like rats and what not.


How about a mod that brings some of the animals that are supposed to be by the morrowind border to the morrwind border (scibs, guar, nix hounds, frogger, and sad to say cliff racers) if this could be done with a similiar affect to the other borders aroud the map.


new levitation system that lifts you up and then poof in the blink off an eye your falling 20 feet down to your destination (alot like fast travel but warps you to any location on the map) and it could be called levitation of lightspeed.


a mod compilation of like the max number of mods that oblivion can handle(conflict free) compiled and flattened into one mod.


Super Gravity Gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!to go with my awesome crowbar



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How about a mod that makes all animals ridable except for the obvious like rats and what not.






Ha! That would be cool. Minotaur, I command you to let me ride you, or else I'll burn the hair off of your strangly small %&$!! What is it with sensorization these days, it's not like a 7 year old will play a game with things killing other things and things trying to kill you and vice versa? I don't think their mom would allow it too. And it's not like a 12 year old hasn't heard these things already! When I went to my first year of middle school (yay, summer vacation!!!) people were talking about BJs and screwing their girlfriends. Well, enough with my off topic part.





I just thouht of another one!!!

Make a sword with a tip that is one of those green things that hover over the sims' heads in The Sims and The Sims 2. Like a handle, and then that thing.

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