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What do you see?


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Ok so we start out with a number of objects, lets say 4. Theres a car, a wall, a flat tire, and a needle. After telling you this, you then tell me what you see. For example:the car was driving, it ran over a needle, blew the tire out, and crashed into the wall. The next person then gives their number of objects(please don't exceed ten.)and it starts all over again. It doesn't have to be obvious, it can be funny, cruel, whatever, just explain what you see. So, there's a full coffee cup, a bat, rope, and a burgular with a knife. What do you see?
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The burglar tries to drink the coffee, trips over the bat and ends up hanging from a trap set up with the rope.


Objects: zombie, pool cue, live WW2-era "pineapple" frag grenade, duct tape

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Simple, someone leaves a pool cue stuck to a table with duct tape, the gernade goes off causing the pool cue to spin at high speeds slashing the nearby Zombie.


Objects: Toaster, filled up bath tub, unplugged T.V., curious five year old.

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I exit my taxi and enter the hotel to rent a room. I have a slight discussion with the owner about the price, then shortly afterwards I obtained my room key. I prepare myself for a comfortable bath and fill the bath tub. In the meanwhile I attempt to watch tv, but then I noticed it's unplugged and there is no cable to be found. I walk downstairs and make my complaints and told him that I wondered what would happen if I would call a certain consumer agency. Back upstairs I enter the filled up bath tub. Minutes later the hotel owner and his kid holding a toaster stand before to the tub and the owner says "I wonder what happens if you put a 'plugged in' toaster in the tub, Junior...".


Maybe a bit to long but I didn't want to do the 'obvious'.




Objects: Duct Tape (a favourite), A small rock, terrorist, Hammer and 10 cents.

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A terrorist uses duct tape to make a bomb. Meanwhile a group of youths outside throw a small rock which hits a 10 cent piece, which goes on a wild goose chase till a box full of hammers that is on the ledge of a shelf above the terrorist hits him on the head, causing the bomb to explode.



Objects: Cheese, a replica of the portal gun, fat nerd, monkeys and logs.

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A fat nerd makes a perfect replica of the Portal gun. He shoots it at a wall & throws cheese into a jungle-type area.

Next thing, a monkey rolls forward on a log, steals the cheese, flies through the portal & kicks the nerd in the head.


Broken computer, angry IT man, hammer.

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The hammer fell from the sky and smacked the IT man, who then threw the computer.






Spork, double homicide, a hamster, and a micro wave.

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Someone used a spork to anger a hamster who killed a man, who falls down and hits a microwave which in turn hits another man in the head and kills him, generating a double homicide. (I think.)


Bottle rocket, electric wires, scrap metal, and an electrical outlet.

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I see one end of the electric wire attached to the bottle rocket and it's release mechanism...the other end attached to the leg of a hamster...i see a piece of scrap metal attached to the head of said hamster and one inserted into the electrical outlet.......now all i need is a piece of cheese :biggrin:


Matches, two large bolts and one nut that fits either.....oh, and a small stone if you need it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The two bolts fit into the nut, are set on fire by the matches, and then hit the stone catching it on fire and ends up creating a new invention that solves the energy crisis.


A fan, an orange, a wig, and a tooth pick.

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