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the "about me" page and youtube videos


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before the forum change i had some of my 3d model videos in my "about me page", just wanted to add a new one of my rescent work but somehow it wont work,


for one do they not appear if i insert them as link so i tried using the "insert media" button which then tells me i would have too many media files (3!??!? too many?!??) and if i then reduce the amount of media files they simply wont show up at all :(


is there anyway to fix this? or am i just too stupid once again?

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before the forum change i had some of my 3d model videos in my "about me page", just wanted to add a new one of my rescent work but somehow it wont work,


is there anyway to fix this? or am i just too stupid once again?


This is e.g. a youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7GkOK_-OhU

Only the yellow part is to be inserted into the line. Hope it helps.

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before the forum change i had some of my 3d model videos in my "about me page", just wanted to add a new one of my rescent work but somehow it wont work,


is there anyway to fix this? or am i just too stupid once again?


This is e.g. a youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7GkOK_-OhU

Only the yellow part is to be inserted into the line. Hope it helps.


thx! gonna try it right away :)

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nah, doesnt work :/


It works, tried out the above example - dunno what you're doing wrong.


on the "about me page":



and as single vid:


Don't forget to end the youtube line with a closing slash: :thumbsup:



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Like Surenas said, I don't know what you are doing wrong. I edited your profile and added the above youtube video and it works perfectly.


You should be able to change it to whatever video(s) you like now.


And if you cannot see the video, you probably have something blocking it such as NoScript.

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sry for the late reply, was busy dodging hail storms :P

k, i gonna give it a new try right away, thx for the tipps and all the hazzle :)



lol ok it wooorks :)




anyway, i realized i simply forgot to change the "media" into "youtube" after clicking the "insert media" button, maybe, just maybe, this could be changed for us non php masters who use the forum buttons :P, a simple "plz select your type of medium" menu which changes the word "media" acordingly might work, but well, no clue :D

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