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Hide certain HUD elements


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Hi, guys!


I've spent some time creating a more immersive experience, removing all the status bars, compass, etc.

The only elements remaining that I'd like to get rid of are the parts in the bottom right that display the type and amount of arrows equipped, and the charge remaining in enchanted weapons. I'm currently using iHud to hide everything else, but as far as I'm aware there is no option to hide these elements.


Are there any other mods or methods of hiding these?

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Minimal HUD does all that, plus more. Not bashing iHUD, but MHUD has more options. You can customize pretty much EVERY element (iHUD cannot do this, as you mentioned - it misses a few), including those you mentioned, as well as a bunch of other stuff. You can find my review here.


And yes, MHUD is a bit older but it works just fine.

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