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Dragon Age Origins Bows


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Sorry for being rude, I'm a bit out of it right now, anyway, I thought these looked nice and since Oblivion doesn't have alot of great bows, I thought someone could make these.

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Nexon is Warhammer, Alex.


This is Dragon Age.


Als, top, third from the left = pure drooling awesome.


And, no prob, dude. Exhaustion is something I can dig.

Yeah DA concept art weapons were awesome too bad that the game only had a couple of models and the fact that bows had no strings XD yeah, yeah I know because of the engine and whatnot. But you know what I would really like the armors, while there was only one model for plate armor it was really cool

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There really isn't an image of a single bow, at least not one I can find anywhere. I think the lack of images of single bows is because this is concept art, and not actual game art. They're not really as intricate as the swords I asked for before so I don't think they'll look that bad if you use the same process you did for the swords your making.



Zooming in on them they don't look that bad, just jagged, and that can be fixed



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