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who cant wait for fall out 4 new vegas.


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I personally am refusing to get hyped up on this game until i know the status of the GECK and modability and all that good stuff. I'm sure it'll all be the same but you never know when developers change.


relax, bethesda is still part of it. I really doubt that after oblivion and fallout 3 which they produced directly, that they will take out the modability of the game just cause it is a new developer

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lets wait and see, the video didnt get me that excited as there obviously wont be any new engine features like actual physics or wind and so on, stuff gamebryo still defies even tho its available since the 90ties...

lets hope that new dev team gets the story straight and does some descent dialogues, things at which bethesda truly sucks... modelling wise they could improve too, still better than most other game dev teams but if you look for example at the point lookout submarine youll see what i mean :P

and i sure hope it will have similiar modding capabilites to fallout 3 or oblivion, better morrowind, or it will die in 2 or 3 month flat like all the other "modern" games like Bad Company, Modern Warfare, Dragon Age or Mas Effect and co... since fallout there simply wasnt any blockbuster of that size and diversity, modding wise and vanilla playing wise.

if i look at the demo video all i can think of is another, somewhat larger, DLC for fallout 3

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I'm looking forward to this giant $50 mod.



Yeah that's what i'm afraid of...but at the same time i almost wouldn't care as long as it's robust enough and full of enough content to warrant it since i'm happy with how FO3 turned out. More of the same isn't a bad thing in this case as long as they don't jack it up.

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I'm cool with it being a big mod. I loved FO3 enough to keep spending money on the series. I'm just curious to see how it goes over. I've noticed that they have modern weapons in the game like an M4 and things that didn't exist. It will be okay if they have a good reason to back the idea of "newer weapons".
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