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Immersive Life


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Here are a couple mod ideas that perhaps someone could make and release for everyone.

I'd love see a mod where you had to pay a certain amount of septims everyday after buying a house for the upkeep. Perhaps even raise the upkeep amount per improvement bought and even more depending on how many kids you have.

Another mod I'd like to see is one for the people you hire to follow you around and help you. Instead of a flat fee and they'll follow you forever, do the same thing as above. And depending on their level , you'll have to pay a daily wage to them and it goes up the higher level they are. Not to mention maybe paying a little bit extra if you have them stay at your house or wait somewhere instead of following you around. Of course that amount would cost less than their daily wage if they were following you around and into danger.

And if all the options were modifiable in the M.C.M. menu, that'd be icing on the cake :smile:



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